Decision details

Budget Report and Community Plan Summary Updates 2023/24

Decision Maker: South West Local Area Committee

Decision status: For Determination



Each Local Area Committee has a £100,000 budget to address local priorities, identified within their respective Community Plans.  This report sets out details of the proposed spending in respect of this £100,000 during the 2022/23 financial year.  This report gives an overview of the general categories of proposed expenditure and seeks authorisation from the South West Local Area Committee to permit the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the LAC Chair, to spend monies to address identified priorities within the Community Plan.




RESOLVED: That the South West Local Area Committee:-


(i)    Approves the proposed allocated expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the South West LAC in 2023/24, subject to the following amendments:


Priority & Element

Anticipated Expenditure


Community and Neighbourhoods



Youth Event in Chambers





Hosting a Youth Conference Day in Council Chambers.


Amend to:


Youth Event with Sheffield City Council





Hosting a Youth Conference Day with Council Members and Officers.




Unpaid Carers Inaugural Lunch Club





Allocation of funding for an unpaid carers inaugural lunch club in every ward.


Amend to:


Unpaid Carers Inaugural Lunch Club or similar activity






Allocation of funding for an unpaid carers inaugural lunch club or similar activity in every ward.







(ii)   Agrees the use of the 2023/24 £26,697 LAC Cost of Living budget as described in the report namely that 50% of the South West’s allocation (£13,348) is awarded as a grant to Citizens Advice Sheffield to support and increase the capacity of its telephone advice line; and


(iii) Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of the grant funds proposed of up to £5,000.





Reasons for Decision




The South West LAC is asked to approve the broad allocation of funding under the priority headings identified to assist its ability to monitor its budget, and to authorise the Community Services Manager to approve expenditure above the current delegated authority in certain circumstances so that delivery of the Community Plan is not delayed.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected









Decisions on any expenditure above the existing authority to the Community Services Manager could be reserved to the LAC but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers.  However, this would restrict and undermine the LAC’s ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.


Publication date: 28/09/2023

Date of decision: 28/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 28/09/2023 - South West Local Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: