Decision details

External Legal Services Appointment: Sheffield Retail Quarter

Decision Maker: Director of Business Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


The Council is seeking to appoint an external legal services provider to provide a range of legal services to support it in the delivery of the Sheffield Retail Quarter (‘SRQ’). The SRQ is a major regeneration scheme, led by the Council, to deliver a new retail quarter in the city centre, which will extend and improve the retail offer, deliver new high quality public realm and provide offices , housing and leisure facilities.


To appoint Gowling WLG as external legal services provider for the Sheffield Retail Quarter.

Reasons for the decision:

Gowling WLG was the successful tenderer which ranked first in the evaluation.

Alternative options considered:

In consultation with Commercial Services, the Crown Commercial Services Legal Services Framework and an open tender were considered. Both Commercial Services and Legal and Governance were of the opinion that the Council was more likely to obtain better value for money by going out to open tender. The Director of Legal and Governance was consulted and approved  the determination to go out to  open tender. 

Publication date: 01/03/2017

Date of decision: 15/02/2017

Accompanying Documents: