Decision details

Hillsborough Bike Park - Sport England / British Cycling Places 2 Ride Funding

Decision Maker: Director of Culture, Parks and Leisure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


The report seeks permission for the Council to agree to the acceptance of £150,000 of funding from Sport England (British Cycling’s Places to Ride fund). The funding is a designated contribution towards the Hillsborough Park All Wheeled Bike park project which the Council’s Parks & Countryside Service have been developing with the charity Access Sport. The funding is a capital contribution towards the project, and will be matched with funds from Access Sport and the Council in order to be in a position to finalise and procure the delivery of the scheme over the coming months.




That the Council accept the Award Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of the funding (£150,000) from Sport England as contribution towards the capital cost of the Hillsborough Park All Wheeled Bike Park project.



Reasons for the decision:


The funding will contribute towards the funding already secured for the Hillsborough Bike Park project and help achieve the funding necessary to progress and deliver the capital project, and realise the benefits identified in the Business Case.



Alternative options considered:

The only other option is to decline the award agreement and funding from Sports England. This would mean that the bike park would not be able to be delivered as designed, as the project would have insufficient funding to deliver a viable scheme and would not deliver any benefits to the local community.



Publication date: 07/05/2020

Date of decision: 05/05/2020

Accompanying Documents: