No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were
received from Councillors David Baker, Michelle Cook, Keith Davis,
Bob Johnson and Alison Teal.
2. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 88 KB
Members to declare any
interests they have in the business to be considered at the
Personal interests in agenda item 5 –
Notice of Motion regarding NHS Urgent Primary Care in Sheffield -
were declared by (a) Councillor Sue Alston on the grounds that she
is an employee of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
and (b) Councillors Ben Curran, George Lindars-Hammond, Ben Miskell, Andrew Sangar, Jack
Scott and Richard Shaw, on the grounds that their spouse/partner is
an employee of that Trust.
3. |
Public Questions and Petitions and Other Communications
To receive any questions or
petitions from the public, or communications submitted by the Lord
Mayor or the Chief Executive and to pass such resolutions thereon
as the Council Procedure Rules permit and as may be deemed
Petition Requesting
Traffic-Calming Measures on Myrtle Road
The Council received a petition
containing 195 signatures, requesting traffic-calming measures on
Myrtle Road.
Representations on behalf of
the petitioners were made by Beverley Nunn who stated that the
petition requested traffic calming measures on Myrtle Road. The
road was steep and used by people to avoid traffic on East Bank
Road. There were a high number of vehicles using Myrtle Road and
particularly between 8.00 am and 9.00 am and which travelled at
high speeds. There was, at present, a 30 mph speed limit. The
petitioners requested that the speed limit was reduced to 20 mph.
She said that a main concern was the junction with Anne’s
Road, where the primary school was located and there was no safe
place for children and parents to cross the road. Large vehicles
often parked in the vicinity of the junction which also affected
pedestrians attempting to cross safely. The petitioners wished for
options to be considered including the installation of speed bumps
and introduction of a one way road by closing the road at the top,
to help deal with the speed of vehicles and possibly installation
of lights. Whilst on Spencer Road there was a pedestrian crossing
patrol and lights, there was now no such provision on Myrtle Road
to help people to cross the road safely.
The Council referred the
petition to Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport and
Development. Councillor Scott said he knew the strength of feeling
both from what had been said and from conversations with the local
councillors. He acknowledged the issues which had been referred to,
both in terms of the volume and speed of traffic using Myrtle Road
and also the location of the School and Heeley City Farm. He also
noted the options which the petitioners had suggested to help
resolve some of the problems, including speed, parking restrictions
and a one-way system. The Council would need to take a rounded view
of the best way to manage vehicles safely in that area. Councillor
Scott said that a meeting would be arranged urgently, together with
other community representatives and local councillors to consider
what the options were and what might be done relatively quickly and
also potentially in the future when time and resources
Petition Opposing the
Introduction of Double Yellow Lines Outside King Edward Swimming
Pool, Clarkehouse Road
The Council received a petition
containing 594 signatures, opposing the introduction of double
yellow lines outside King Edward Swimming Pool, Clarkehouse
There was no speaker to the
The Council referred the
petition to Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport and
Petition Requesting the
Abolition of the Lord Mayor
The Council received an
electronic petition containing 47 signatures, requesting the
abolition of the Lord Mayor.
There was no speaker to the
The Council referred the
petition to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Julie
Petition Requesting the Council
to Keep Councillor Magid Magid ...
view the full minutes text for item 3.
4. |
Members' Questions PDF 409 KB
4.1 Questions relating
to urgent business – Council Procedure Rule 16.6(ii).
4.2 Supplementary
questions on written questions submitted at this meeting –
Council Procedure Rule 16.4.
4.3 Questions on the
discharge of the functions of the South Yorkshire Joint Authorities
for Fire and Rescue and Pensions – Section 41 of the Local
Government Act 1985 – Council Procedure Rule
(NB. Minutes of recent meetings of the two South Yorkshire Joint
Authorities have been made available to all Members of the Council
via the following link -
Urgent Business
There were no questions relating to urgent
business under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule
Written Questions
A schedule of questions to Cabinet Members,
submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, and which
contained written answers, was circulated. Supplementary questions, under the provisions of
Council Procedure Rule 16.4, were asked and were answered by the
appropriate Cabinet Members.
South Yorkshire Joint Authorities
There were no questions relating to the
discharge of the functions of the South Yorkshire Joint Authorities
for Fire and Rescue or Pensions, under the provisions of Council
Procedure Rule 16.6(i).
5. |
Notice of Motion Regarding "NHS Urgent Primary Care in Sheffield" - Given By Councillor Francyne Johnson and To Be Seconded By Councillor Pat Midgley
That this Council:-
(a) welcomes the recent decision by the Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG) to put on hold their proposals to change
urgent primary care services in Sheffield;
(b) notes that, as such,
the walk-in centre on Broad Lane and the minor injuries unit at the
Royal Hallamshire Hospital will now be
secured until at least September 2020 – and that any
decisions on the future of these sites will not be made prior to
another public consultation, expected to begin in summer 2019;
(c) notes that the
CCG’s original proposals were heavily criticised and that a
petition to save these services was signed by more than 10,000
(d) further notes the
Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy
Development Committee’s submission detailed many concerns
with the plans and concluded that “we do not feel that we
have seen sufficient evidence to assure us that the proposals are
in the best interests of Sheffield people”;
(e) praises the
co-ordinated efforts of local MPs, councillors across the city,
political activists, Sheffield Save Our NHS, Healthwatch, and all the campaign groups and
individuals who responded to the consultation in opposing the
CCG’s original plans - and hopes that together we can reach a
suitable solution for maintaining easy access to urgent health care
for everyone in Sheffield;
(f) believes that
the combined campaign shows that Sheffield fights austerity at its
best when working in partnership, and that this victory should be
shared by all and it is wrong for any one group to try to take
ownership of this issue; and
(g) reaffirms that this Administration is committed to
reducing health inequalities and that ensuring easily accessible
urgent health care for everyone in Sheffield is of paramount
It was moved by Councillor Francyne Johnson,
and seconded by Councillor Pat Midgley, that this Council:-
(a) welcomes the recent
decision by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to put on hold
their proposals to change urgent primary care services in
(b) notes that, as such,
the walk-in centre on Broad Lane and the minor injuries unit at the
Royal Hallamshire Hospital will now be
secured until at least March 2021 – and that any decisions on
the future of these sites will not be made prior to another public
consultation, expected to begin in summer 2019;
(c) notes that the
CCG’s original proposals were heavily criticised and that a
petition to save these services was signed by more than 10,000
(d) further notes the
Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy
Development Committee’s submission detailed many concerns
with the plans and concluded that “we do not feel that we
have seen sufficient evidence to assure us that the proposals are
in the best interests of Sheffield people”;
(e) praises the
co-ordinated efforts of local MPs, councillors across the city,
political activists, Sheffield Save Our NHS, Healthwatch, and all the campaign groups and
individuals who responded to the consultation in opposing the
CCG’s original plans - and hopes that together we can reach a
suitable solution for maintaining easy access to urgent health care
for everyone in Sheffield;
(f) believes that
the combined campaign shows that Sheffield fights austerity at its
best when working in partnership, and that this victory should be
shared by all and it is wrong for any one group to try to take
ownership of this issue; and
(g) reaffirms that this Administration is committed to
reducing health inequalities and that ensuring easily accessible
urgent health care for everyone in Sheffield is of paramount
(NOTE: With the
agreement of the Council and at the request of the mover of the
Motion (Councillor Francyne Johnson),
the Motion as published in the Summons was
altered by the substitution, in paragraph (b), of the words
“March 2021” for the words “September
Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Steve
Ayris, seconded by Councillor Gail Smith, as an amendment, that the
Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of new paragraphs
(e) and (f) as follows, and the re-lettering of original paragraphs
(e) to (g) as new paragraphs (g) to (i):-
(e) recalls the Notice
of Motion put to this Council in December 2017 calling upon the
Leader of the Council to set up a group of Party Leaders on the
Council to co-ordinate a campaign by the Council in opposing the
closure of the Walk-In Centre on Broad Lane and the Minor Injuries
Unit at the Royal Hallamshire
(f) regrets that
this was not taken up by the Administration at that time;
It was then moved by Councillor Martin Phipps,
seconded by Councillor Douglas Johnson, as an amendment, that the
Motion now submitted be amended ...
view the full minutes text for item 5.
6. |
Notice of Motion Regarding "Tackling Modern Day Slavery - Committing the Council to the Co-operative Party's Charter Against Modern Slavery" - Given By Councillor Ben Curran and To Be Seconded By Councillor Abtisam Mohamed
That this Council:-
(a) notes with immense sadness that the injustice of
slavery still persists in the modern world, with an estimated
13,000 victims of slavery in the UK today – with sexual
exploitation, trafficking or domestic servitude, and forced labour,
just some of the horrific forms it can take;
(b) believes that modern slavery can often operate in
plain sight and that everything possible must be done to eradicate
the scourge of slavery;
(c) contends that
Labour and Labour & Co-operative councils across England are
leading the way with a new Charter to ensure exploitation has no
place in council supply chains;
(d) notes that the Co-operative Party's Charter against
Modern Slavery goes further than existing law and guidance,
committing councils to proactively vetting their own supply chain
to ensure no instances of modern slavery are taking place;
(e) welcomes the
commitment from the present Administration to fully adopt the
Co-operative Party’s Charter against Modern Slavery;
(f) notes that, by
doing so, the Council is pledging to guarantee that modern slavery
is cut from the supply chain by committing to 10 measures,
including: challenging abnormally low-cost tenders to ensure they
do not rely on potential contractors practising modern slavery;
ensuring workers throughout the supply-line are free to join a
trade union and are not treated unfairly for belonging to one; and
that the Council will report publicly on the implementation of the
policy every year;
(g) contends that the
Government’s hostile environment on immigration since 2010
demonstrates their lack of authenticity in dealing with modern day
slavery and, as such, it is even more essential that leadership in
tackling this is provided by local government; and
(h) believes that tackling modern slavery and focusing
on ethical trade is essential and support is given to the
Administration for ensuring high standards of ethical practice in
the way the Council works through the Ethical Procurement
It was moved by Councillor Ben Curran, and
seconded by Councillor Abtisam Mohamed, that this Council:-
(a) notes with immense
sadness that the injustice of slavery still persists in the modern
world, with an estimated 13,000 victims of slavery in the UK today
– with sexual exploitation, trafficking or domestic
servitude, and forced labour, just some of the horrific forms it
can take;
(b) believes that modern
slavery can often operate in plain sight and that everything
possible must be done to eradicate the scourge of slavery;
(c) contends that
Labour and Labour & Co-operative councils across England are
leading the way with a new Charter to ensure exploitation has no
place in council supply chains;
(d) notes that the
Co-operative Party's Charter against Modern Slavery goes further
than existing law and guidance, committing councils to proactively
vetting their own supply chain to ensure no instances of modern
slavery are taking place;
(e) welcomes the
commitment from the present Administration to fully adopt the
Co-operative Party’s Charter against Modern Slavery;
(f) notes that, by
doing so, the Council is pledging to guarantee that modern slavery
is cut from the supply chain by committing to 10 measures,
including: challenging abnormally low-cost tenders to ensure they
do not rely on potential contractors practising modern slavery;
ensuring workers throughout the supply-line are free to join a
trade union and are not treated unfairly for belonging to one; and
that the Council will report publicly on the implementation of the
policy every year;
(g) contends that the
Government’s hostile environment on immigration since 2010
demonstrates their lack of authenticity in dealing with modern day
slavery and, as such, it is even more essential that leadership in
tackling this is provided by local government; and
(h) believes that tackling modern slavery and focusing
on ethical trade is essential and support is given to the
Administration for ensuring high standards of ethical practice in
the way the Council works through the Ethical Procurement
Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Penny
Baker, seconded by Councillor Richard Shaw, as an amendment, that
the Motion now submitted be amended by:-
1. the
deletion of paragraphs (c), (d) and (g), and the re-lettering of
original paragraphs (e) and (f) as new paragraphs (c) and (d);
2. the
addition of new paragraphs (e) to (k) as follows:-
(e) welcomes the
on-going review of the Modern Slavery Act and hopes this will
result in a less hostile environment that allows victims of modern
slavery and human trafficking to come forward without fear of
prosecution or unwelcome ramifications;
(f) welcomes the
recent announcement that the UK government and other international
governments have committed to adopting principles to tackle modern
slavery in the supply line;
(g) notes the Liberal
Democrats in Government helped to deliver the Modern Slavery Act
which makes it easier to identify victims and bring traffickers to
justice, and prosecutions have increased as a result;
(h) however, believes
that many of the current Government’s policies are
undermining this effort ...
view the full minutes text for item 6.
7. |
Notice of Motion Regarding "People's Vote - Supporting the call for the people to be given the final say over Brexit" - Given By Councillor Joe Otten and To Be Seconded By Councillor Mohammed Mahroof
That this Council:-
notes the ongoing impasse in Brexit negotiations,
and the increasing risk of a "no deal" Brexit;
(b) notes the opposition to
the Chequers Plan in Parliament and among EU Heads of
that agreement has not yet been reached on many of the issues
arising from the Brexit referendum, including Government red lines,
and both sides have stated that “nothing is agreed until
everything is agreed”;
notes that whilst the principle of a Northern
Ireland backstop has been agreed, the UK’s plan to
temporarily avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland has not
been agreed and there is still no agreement on a long-term
notes that HM
Treasury has stated that a no-deal Brexit could require the UK to
borrow £80 billion more by 2033, the Government have begun
releasing the 84 no-deal technical notes, and the UK health sector
is stockpiling medicines in case of a no-deal;
that the 2016 EU referendum gave no clear destination for Brexit,
as the terms of any deal were not yet known, but that many options
were said to be possible including staying in the Single Market
(the Norway model);
notes the resolution put to the Labour Party
conference calling for a People's Vote to be considered, and strong
support for a People's Vote among Labour Party members;
believes that
there is no deal that could be negotiated through the Article 50
process that could be more beneficial than continued membership of
the EU, and that leaving the EU would therefore be damaging to the
UK's fundamental national interests, and the interests of Sheffield
in particular, as a university and manufacturing city in a region
which has received significant investment from the European
(i) believes that
the recent shifts in global affairs, including the USA withdrawing
from the United Nations Human Rights Council, re-emphasise the
vital importance of UK membership of the EU and the values upon
which the EU was formed;
believes that promises of a stronger trading position in the world
have been seen to be empty, as illustrated by the policy of Donald
Trump’s USA Administration relating to air travel, which
seeks to take advantage of the UK's weakened position as a non-EU
the Government’s approach to Brexit negotiations, which this
Council regards as disastrous, and urges MPs to work across parties
in the national interest and allow the people to have the final say
on the Brexit deal with the option to remain in the European Union
and a chance to exit from Brexit;
(l) supports the
principle of extending the franchise to 16-17 year olds for the
People's Vote and all other elections and referendums;
resolves to seek
access to Government impact assessments of all Brexit options for
all sectors that are significant to Sheffield, prior to any
"meaningful vote" in Parliament; and
resolves to send a copy of this ...
view the full agenda text for item 7.
It was moved by Councillor Joe Otten, and
seconded by Councillor Mohammed Mahroof, that this Council:-
(a) notes the ongoing impasse
in Brexit negotiations, and the increasing risk of a "no deal"
(b) notes the opposition to
the Chequers Plan in Parliament and among EU Heads of
(c) notes that agreement
has not yet been reached on many of the issues arising from the
Brexit referendum, including Government red lines, and both sides
have stated that “nothing is agreed until everything is
(d) notes that whilst the
principle of a Northern Ireland backstop has been agreed, the
UK’s plan to temporarily avoid a hard border on the island of
Ireland has not been agreed and there is still no agreement on a
long-term solution;
(e) notes that HM Treasury has
stated that a no-deal Brexit could require the UK to borrow
£80 billion more by 2033, the Government have begun releasing
the 84 no-deal technical notes, and the UK health sector is
stockpiling medicines in case of a no-deal;
(f) notes that the 2016
EU referendum gave no clear destination for Brexit, as the terms of
any deal were not yet known, but that many options were said to be
possible including staying in the Single Market (the Norway
(g) notes the resolution put
to the Labour Party conference calling for a People's Vote to be
considered, and strong support for a People's Vote among Labour
Party members;
(h) believes that there is no
deal that could be negotiated through the Article 50 process that
could be more beneficial than continued membership of the EU, and
that leaving the EU would therefore be damaging to the UK's
fundamental national interests, and the interests of Sheffield in
particular, as a university and manufacturing city in a region
which has received significant investment from the European
(i) believes that
the recent shifts in global affairs, including the USA withdrawing
from the United Nations Human Rights Council, re-emphasise the
vital importance of UK membership of the EU and the values upon
which the EU was formed;
(j) believes that
promises of a stronger trading position in the world have been seen
to be empty, as illustrated by the policy of Donald Trump’s
USA Administration relating to air travel, which seeks to take
advantage of the UK's weakened position as a non-EU member;
(k) condemns the
Government’s approach to Brexit negotiations, which this
Council regards as disastrous, and urges MPs to work across parties
in the national interest and allow the people to have the final say
on the Brexit deal with the option to remain in the European Union
and a chance to exit from Brexit;
(l) supports the
principle of extending the franchise to 16-17 year olds for the
People's Vote and all other elections and referendums;
(m) resolves to seek access to
Government impact assessments of all Brexit options for all sectors
that are significant to Sheffield, prior to any "meaningful vote"
in ...
view the full minutes text for item 7.
8. |
Notice of Motion Regarding "Union Safety Representatives" - Given By Councillor John Booker and To Be Seconded By Councillor Keith Davis
That this Council:-
(a) contends that councillors
exist to serve their communities, and believes that one of the best
ways to do this is by offering them a say in what happens on their
doorstep, and that Localism puts real power in the hands of the
(b) further contends
(i) that
the Grenfell Tower disaster sadly showed the total lack of local
government run housing and relevant safety checks, (ii) notes that
the TUC and its affiliated Trades Unions have a large amount of
Accredited Union Health and Safety Representatives (USR's), whose
primary role is accident prevention and risk assessment, in the
three categories – generic, local and on-site, (iii) further
notes that building safety inspections is part of what these
individuals sign up for when they do their training, (iv) believes
that local councils who look to outsource this work are
perpetrating a great injustice on the local communities they
represent and (v) further believes that the resources they need are
right under their feet, and that the USR's could be transferred
from their normal work on a rota basis to facilitate building
safety inspections;
(c) believes it is all
about sharing responsibility for public safety, noting that council
rent payers pay rent to the council, the council pays wages to its
employees, and some employees live in council housing; and
(d) (i) contends that most social housing is a direct
extension of many local government employees’ workplace; for
many, this is at the end of a keyboard (e.g. customer accounts),
for others its hands on, such as plumbing, wiring, painting and
property repairs, but that, directly or indirectly, as local
government employees, social housing is inevitably part of their
workplace and (ii) as such, believes that safety checks should be
carried out by USR's from construction stage to periodical safety
checks; the purpose, to preserve life and prevent accidents.
It was moved by Councillor John Booker, and
formally seconded by Councillor Jack Clarkson, that this
(a) contends that councillors
exist to serve their communities, and believes that one of the best
ways to do this is by offering them a say in what happens on their
doorstep, and that Localism puts real power in the hands of the
(b) further contends
(i) that the Grenfell Tower disaster
sadly showed the total lack of local government run housing and
relevant safety checks, (ii) notes that the TUC and its affiliated
Trades Unions have a large amount of Accredited Union Health and
Safety Representatives (USRs), whose primary role is accident
prevention and risk assessment, in the three categories –
generic, local and on-site, (iii) further notes that building
safety inspections is part of what these individuals sign up for
when they do their training, (iv) believes that local councils who
look to outsource this work are perpetrating a great injustice on
the local communities they represent and (v) further believes that
the resources they need are right under their feet, and that the
USRs could be transferred from their normal work on a rota basis to
facilitate building safety inspections;
(c) believes it is all
about sharing responsibility for public safety, noting that council
rent payers pay rent to the council, the council pays wages to its
employees, and some employees live in council housing; and
(d) (i) contends that most social housing is a direct
extension of many local government employees’ workplace; for
many, this is at the end of a keyboard (e.g. customer accounts),
for others its hands on, such as plumbing, wiring, painting and
property repairs, but that, directly or indirectly, as local
government employees, social housing is inevitably part of their
workplace and (ii) as such, believes that safety checks should be
carried out by USRs from construction stage to periodical safety
checks; the purpose, to preserve life and prevent accidents.
Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Mike
Chaplin, seconded by Councillor Jim Steinke, as an amendment, that
the Motion now submitted be amended by the deletion of all the
words after the words “That this Council” and the
addition of the following words:-
(a) believes that the
Grenfell Tower disaster tragically demonstrated what can happen
when tenants are not listened to properly and the relevant safety
checks are not carried out;
(b) notes that Sheffield
City Council acted swiftly and responsibly in the wake of the
disaster – ensuring that tenants were well communicated with,
reassured and that safety checks were carried out on all 24 local
authority tower blocks to an even higher standard than the later
government-required standards;
(c) believes that
it is of paramount importance that the Council do all that is
necessary to ensure that our tenants can live in comfort, safety
and in complete peace of mind, and notes that this Administration
has adopted a policy of “zero tolerance to anyone operating
in ...
view the full minutes text for item 8.
9. |
Changes to the Constitution PDF 201 KB
Report of the Chief
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: On the Motion of
Councillor Peter Rippon, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that
this Council approves the changes to the following parts of the
Council’s Constitution, as set out in the report of the Chief
Executive now submitted, and its appendices:-
(a) Part 4 – Contracts Standing Orders; and
Part 5 – Monitoring Officer Protocol – Appendix A
(Procedure For Dealing With Complaints
Regarding City, Parish And Town Councillors And Co-Opted
10. |
Minutes Of Previous Council Meeting PDF 362 KB
To receive the record of the
proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 5th
September 2018, and to approve the accuracy thereof.
RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Peter
Rippon, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 5th
September 2018, be approved as a true and accurate
11. |
Representation, Delegated Authority and Related Issues PDF 57 KB
To consider any changes to the
memberships and arrangements for meetings of Committees etc.,
delegated authority, and the appointment of representatives to
serve on other bodies.
RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Peter
Rippon, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that:-
(a) approval be given to the following changes
to the memberships of Committees, Boards, etc.:-
Admissions Committee
Councillor Bob Pullin to
replace Councillor Paul Scriven
(b) representatives be
appointed to serve on other bodies as follows:-
Sheffield City Region Combined Authority Scrutiny
Councillors Peter Rippon and
Colin Ross to serve as additional substitute members of the
Sheffield City Region Combined Authority Audit
Councillors Ian Auckland, Andy
Bainbridge, Peter Rippon and Colin Ross to serve as substitute
members of the Committee
Sheffield Safer and Sustainable Communities
Councillor Penny Baker to
replace Councillor Steve Ayris