Agenda, decisions and minutes

Finance and Performance Policy Committee - Monday 21 October 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: To be held in the Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Contact: Fiona Martinez, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Terry Fox and Abdul Khayum.



Exclusion of Press and Public

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The appendices to items 8 and 9 were not available to the public, as they contained exempt information as described in paragraph 3, schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Members were informed that should they wish to discuss the information within these appendices the public and press would be asked to kindly leave for this part of the meeting, and the webcast would be halted.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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Members asked that a clarification to the minutes be made to specify that the Task and Finish group which had been agreed upon would be on the Outcomes Framework. This was noted.




The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 23rd of September 2024 be approved as an accurate record.



Public Petitions, Questions and Statements pdf icon PDF 53 KB

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There were no public petitions, questions or statements received on this occasion.



Members' Questions

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There were no questions from Members of the Committee.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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The Committee received a report containing the Committee’s Work Programme for consideration and discussion. The aim of the Work Programme was to show all known, substantive agenda items for forthcoming meetings of the Committee, to enable this Committee, other committees, officers, partners and the public to plan their work with and for the Committee.





RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee:-


1.    Approves the Committee’s Work Programme, as set out in Appendix 1, including any additions and amendments identified in Part 1 and the amendment noted in the meeting;

2.    Give consideration to any further issues to be explored by officers for inclusion in Part 2 of Appendix 1 of the next work programme report, for potential addition to the work programme; and

3.    Notes any referrals from Council (petition and resolutions) detailed in Section 2 of the report and agrees the proposed responses







Disposal of Land at Fitzwilliam Street pdf icon PDF 567 KB

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The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures which sought to agree the disposal of freehold ownership at Fitzwilliam Street on the terms set out within the wider report.




Members asked that a briefing be provided around affordable units.




RESOLVED UNAMIOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee:


-       To agree to the disposal of freehold ownership on the terms as set out in this report.




Reasons for Decision




The intended outcome of the proposal is to deliver new residential development within the city centre and repurpose vacant and underutilised brownfield land where older buildings are inefficient and would benefit from redevelopment.




The development proposals will bring forward the continued regeneration of the Devonshire Quarter, help attract additional footfall and be of benefit to the city centre.




The proposed disposal will also deliver the economic and financial benefits as outlined within this report. Generating a significant capital receipt, Council Tax Revenue and CIL contribution for the Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative Option 1: The Council could do nothing. This may result in the

Land remaining vacant or underutilised for several more years and would not

contribute to the Councils aspirations to see the regeneration of the

Devonshire Quarter and increase in housing provision within city.




Alternative Option 2: The Council could offer the Land for sale in the open market. Part of the land is subject to the existing long leasehold title, this could potentially result in partial development only, or a frustrated ownership structure which may prohibit the future development of a comprehensive scheme.



Alternative Option 3: The Council could offer to purchase the long leasehold interest in the site and agree a future sale of the combined land interests. The buyer has already agreed and entered into contract to purchase the long leasehold interest. Pursuing the purchase of the leasehold interest would require further negotiation and capital expenditure by the Council. This would represent greater risk for the Council, with the ultimate aim of seeking a disposal of the land for redevelopment which is proposed here.



Disposal of Land at Hoyle Street pdf icon PDF 309 KB

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The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures which sought to agree the disposal of freehold ownership of land at Hoyle Street on the terms as set out in the wider report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -


-       Agree to the disposal of land on the terms as set out in this report



Reasons for Decision





The intended outcome of the proposal is to deliver new residential development within the city centre and repurpose vacant and underutilised brownfield land.


The development proposals will bring forward the regeneration of the Furnace Hill area in line with the Furnace Hill and Neepsend Development Framework and help to bring forward the already approved investment of £67m secured by Homes England.




The proposed disposal will also deliver the economic and financial benefits as outlined within this report. Generating a significant capital receipt, Council Tax Revenue and CIL contribution for the Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative Option 1: The Council could do nothing. This may result in the Land remaining vacant or underutilised for several more years and would not contribute to the Councils aspirations to see the regeneration of the Furnace Hill and Neepsend Catalyst Site and increase in housing provision within city




Alternative Option 2:The Council could offer the Land for sale in the open market. This would lead to a lack of coherence and comprehensiveness of development which is part of the rational for the Furnace Hill and Neepsend development framework.



Capital Approvals Month 5 (2024/25) pdf icon PDF 154 KB

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The Finance and Performance Policy Committee received a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which provided details of proposed changes to the existing Capital Programme as brough forward in Month 05 2024/25.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -


-       That the Committee approve the proposed additions and variations to the Capital Programme listed in Appendix 1

-       That the Committee approve the acceptance of grant funding as identified Appendix 2

-       That the Committee approve the issuing of grant funding as identified in Appendix  3




Reasons for Decision




The proposed changes to the Capital programme will improve the services to the people of Sheffield




To formally record changes to the Capital Programme and gain Member approval for changes in line with Financial Regulations and to reset the capital programme in line with latest information.




Alternative Options Considered




A number of alternative courses of action are considered as part of the process undertaken by Officers before decisions are recommended to Members. The recommendations made to Members represent what Officers believe to be the best options available to the Council, in line with Council priorities, given the constraints on funding and the use to which funding is put within the Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.