Agenda item

East Youth Forum



Daniel, Leah and Larissa gave a short presentation on the work of the East Youth Forum and made the following points:-




·         The Forum was supported by Sheffield Futures and had strong links with the City Wide Youth Cabinet.




·         The Forum worked across the east of the City and the South East Local Area Partnership area.




·         The Forum covered a diverse group of young people aged 11-19 years. Its members attended meetings, were involved in training, supported young people, listened to their views and participated in city-wide events. There was evaluation of their work and this was fed back to young people in the area.



·         Their achievements included a skateboarding park in Hackenthorpe, a clean-up of local estates, joint surgeries with Councillors and youth consultation and feedback.




·         Elections were being held for the Youth Cabinet and there would be training for new members.




·         There would be consultation with young people on the Forum’s priorities on youth provision, reducing litter, health and wellbeing, mental health, road safety and anti-bullying.




Daniel, Leah and Larissa responded to questions from the Cabinet Members and members of the public and indicated that the Forum had members in each secondary school, undertook youth consultation and had a close connection with young people.




In response to a question on the broken fence that had been repaired at the skate park, Councillor Karen McGowan indicated that this had been taken forward by local Councillors.




In terms of the Forum’s priority on mental health, Daniel outlined the experiences of a couple of members and explained that it was about increasing awareness and ensuring that young people did not feel alone in dealing with such issues. Councillor Mary Lea (Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Independent Living) commented that it was about having more individualised treatment.




Councillor Mazher Iqbal (Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health) referred to an event he had attended at which young people had raised the issue of a lack of mental health provision. Arising from discussion with partners on the Health and Wellbeing Board, funding had been made available to address mental health issues for young people. The Community Forum would also link into activities that were being delivered locally.




In response to a question from Councillor Jackie Drayton (Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families) on the priority on bullying, Daniel stated that a large number of schools did not know how to treat bullying and it was more about punishment than rehabilitation. The aim was for all schools to have the same anti-bullying policy.




Councillor Julie Dore (Leader of the Council), thanked Daniel, Leah and Larissa for their presentation and sharing their personal experiences. She emphasised the need to work together, for example in dealing with bullying. In relation to transport issues for young people, Councillor Dore highlighted that Councillors had protected the cost of travel at 70p.




Councillor Dore referred to the need to engage with young people on the issue of voter registration and the suggestion of 16 year olds having the vote. Daniel from the Youth Forum supported such a move but considered that there was a need for young people to be educated on politics.