Agenda item

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Annual Quality Report 2014/15

Report of Sandi Carman, Head of Patient and Healthcare Governance, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust



(NOTE: At this point the Chair, Councillor Mick Rooney, re-joined the meeting and took the Chair.)




The Committee received a report of the Medical Director, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, on the Trust’s Annual Quality Report.  The report was supported by a presentation given by Sandi Carman, Head of Patient and Healthcare Governance, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which set out the Trust’s 2014/15 Priorities and 2015/16 Proposed Priorities.  Also in attendance for this item was Michael Harper, Chief Operating Officer, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follow:-




·                Patient feedback was obtained by using leaflets for comments, volunteers speaking to patients and the use of the friends and family test which was used on discharge.




·                Two-thirds of patients awaiting discharge now received their medication from the hospital pharmacy within one hour, with any delays being due to getting the prescriptions written.  Reference would be made to this in the final Quality Report, as well as the use of volunteers in surveying patients’ views.




·                Initiatives were in place so that patients knew who was taking care of them.  All staff were required to introduce themselves and wear name badges and the Patient First standard was being applied, but it was recognised that there was a need for improvement in this regard.




·                Consideration would be given to ways in which the visual impaired could be supported to engage in the “named clinician” initiative and the outcome of this would be reported to the Committee when the final report was delivered.




·                The Patient Association’s Survey results contained a question relating to ethnic grouping and this would be given further consideration.  The selection process for this survey was based on those who had complained and the complaint had been formally closed. 




·                In relation to verbal complaints made on the ward, managers were encouraged to be pro-active by seeking live feedback and managing situations locally.  It was acknowledged that the level of conversation/dialogue may not be captured in complaints, but issues could be raised at ward or staff meetings.  It was accepted that this was a challenge and needed to be handled carefully, so that there was not an increase in bureaucracy.  The empowering of local managers to capture complaints made on the ward would be covered in the final report, but officers were mindful of the potential extra burden.




·                Consideration would be given to the proactive inclusion of local patient complaints in incident report forms.




·                Alternative means of complaint were available through the Patient Services team (previously called Patient Advice and Liaison Service), with posters being displayed on the wards.  The importance of making it easier for patients to flag up issues was recognised.




·                Complaints about food and access to a television in the Renal Unit at the Northern General Hospital would be investigated and reported back.




·                In relation to the reporting of patient and non-patient incidents, 20,000 incidents were reported per year, which included near misses and where there was no harm to patients or staff.  These were reported nationally.  There was now a legal duty of candour and the reporting of near misses was encouraged.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Sandi Carman and Michael Harper for their contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report and presentation and the responses to questions; and




(c)        notes that the final Quality Report 2014/15 would be presented to the Committee at its meeting in April 2015.


Supporting documents: