Agenda item

Adult Social Care Performance Update

Report of the Executive Director, Communities



Moira Wilson, Interim Director of Care and Support, Communities, gave a presentation which updated the Committee on Adult Social Care Performance and included supporting statistical information.  Also present for this item was Jasper South, Head of Planning and Performance, Communities.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follows:-




·                It was acknowledged that a quick response to complaints was required and that there was a need to improve on this.  It was thought that the target response time for the Look Again complaints process was 10 working days, but this would be checked.




·                Information on the delayed transfer of care came from the hospital’s Patient Centre.  This time delay was calculated from the point when the patient was deemed fit for discharge, but some delays were whilst patients were waiting further assessment.  Organisations were working together to plan for discharge.




·                There were some issues where recognised providers were in special measures, but the Council retained overall responsibility and the Contracts section worked closely with providers.  It was possible to transfer some hours to secondary providers and the backlog was being addressed by bringing in new providers.




·                Information on what service users should do in the event of their Home Support Worker not turning up was contained in each user’s Care Plan.  Staff complaints were monitored through the Council’s Human Resources Service (HR) and the Council also had a Whistleblowing Policy.  A check would be made on whether Members could access these complaints.




·                The importance of improving information for potential users and Members was recognised, with Community Support Workers being used to facilitate this.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Moira Wilson and Jasper South for their contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the presentation and the responses to questions;




(c)        recommends that a target of 10 working days be set for responses to complaints under the Look Again process; and




(d)       requests that:-




(i)          Council Members be provided with details of Adult Social Care providers across the City;


(ii)        the length of time for users to access Adult Social Care services, following their initial assessment, be included in future reports; and


(iii)       national targets be included in any future reports.


Supporting documents: