Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.



Members of the City Council declared interests in items of business, as follows:-




Item 8: Notice of Motion Concerning the National Health Service




Members declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in the above item as set out below:-




-        Councillor John Campbell because he is employed by the NHS




-        Councillor Sue Alston because she is employed by the NHS




-        Councillor Joe Otten because his wife is a GP




-        Councillor David Barker because he is employed by the NHS




-        Councillor Richard Shaw because his wife receives a bursary from the NHS




-        Councillor Andrew Sangar because his wife is employed by the NHS




-        Councillor Mary Lea because she is employed by the NHS




-        Councillor Ben Curran because his wife is employed by the NHS




Councillor Mick Rooney asked that it be noted that he is a Non-Executive Director on the Sheffield NHS Health and Social Care Trust and such appointments were the responsibility a body separate to the NHS pay review body.




Councillor Jillian Creasy asked that it was noted that she was a locum GP and that GP pay and conditions were delivered by a body which was separate from the NHS pay review body.




Members declared Personal Interests in Item 8 (Notice of Motion Concerning the National Health Service), as follows:-




-        Councillor Cliff Woodcraft on the grounds that his daughter in law is an NHS employee.




-        Councillor Talib Hussain on the grounds that his son is an NHS employee.




-        Councillor Vickie Priestley on the grounds that her daughters and son are NHS employees.




-        Councillor Qurban Hussain on the grounds that he receives a pension from the NHS.




-        Councillor Rob Frost on the grounds that his mother works for the NHS.




Item 11: Notice of Motion Concerning Animal Welfare




Councillor Richard Crowther declared a personal interest in the above item on the grounds that his employer is the Shadow Minister for the Environment, including animal welfare.




Supporting documents: