Agenda item

Progress on High Opinion Audit Reports

Report of the Senior Finance Manager.



Kayleigh Inman, Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit), introduced a report providing an update on progress made against recommendations in audit reports that had been given a high opinion and proposing that two audits were removed from the action tracker. She indicated that :-




·         Service officers were to attend the September meeting of the Committee to report on the progress in implementing the outstanding recommendations from the Markets Service audit report.


·         Audit officers would be attending meetings of the City Wide Learning Body and the Schools Forum and would be contacting the Chair of Governors to progress the outstanding recommendations from school themed reviews.


·         Further to the attendance of service officers at the meeting of this Committee in November 2014, there were three recommendations still outstanding from the Parking Services audit for which there was a revised implementation date. There would also be a further full review undertaken by Internal Audit.




The Chair of the Committee highlighted the mixed picture in terms of progress and the areas that required follow up. He referred to the questions in relation to the Markets service submitted by Liz Stanley (Independent Co-opted Member) who was unable to attend the meeting. The Senior Finance Manager agreed to circulate a written response to those questions to members of the Committee.




The Senior Finance Manager responded to questions relating to the audits of Schools Attendance, Waste Management Contract, Short Term Intervention Team and Markets Service and indicated that:-




·         Attendance by Internal Audit officers at the City Wide Learning Body etc. would capture a larger population of schools and provide the opportunity to stress the importance of implementing the recommendations. The item would remain on the tracker until satisfactory progress had been made.


·         The outstanding recommendations relating to the audit of the Waste Management Contract would be followed up and remain on the tracker.


·         A large amount of the work relating to the implementation of the recommendations from the audit of the Short Term Intervention Team was included in the Adult Social Care Recovery Programme. This item would remain on the tracker and be included in the progress report to the meeting of the Committee in January 2016.


·         The Markets Service Business Plan needed to be validated and there would be an opportunity at the next meeting of the Committee to ask service officers questions on the Plan.




In response to a question on the Statutory Responsibilities Health Check, the Director of Legal and Governance indicated that the Annual Governance Statement process had been reviewed and the changes would be fully implemented by April 2016. This included services confirming their statutory responsibilities.




Resolved: That the Committee:-





notes the report;






agrees that the audits relating to the Adoption Service and Subject Access requests are removed from the action tracker;






notes that the Director of Capital & Major Projects and Head of Markets would be attending the next meeting of the Committee and submitting a report on progress  in implementing the outstanding recommendations from the audit of the Markets Service; and






notes that there would be a progress report on the High Opinion Audit reports to the meeting of the Committee in January 2016.


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