Agenda item

Enforcement of Planning Control: 2A Woodhouse Road

Report of the Director of the Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report informing Members of a breach of the Advertising Regulations in respect of the erection of unauthorised signs at 2A Woodhouse Road and making recommendations on a way forward.




The report stated that the property was currently being used as a booking office for taxis; and was located on the edge of a local shopping centre, as defined in the Unitary Development Plan, with the area immediately adjacent being identified as a housing area.




A complaint from a member of the public was received alleging the office was being visited by potential clients, and that a number of obtrusive advertisements had been attached to the front and side elevations of the property.




Correspondence was sent to the owners reminding them that their planning permission prohibited the use of the premises as a public booking office; that the signs required advertisement consent, but that it was unlikely to be granted, and that they should apply for retrospective planning permission for the recladding of the building.




The owner responded to the letter, and confirmed that measures would be taken to stop people calling at the office to book taxis and that an application would be submitted to regularise the recladding work. However, he seemed reluctant to remove the signs.




Thus far the owner had cooperated with the Local Planning Authority with regard to the use of the premises, and although he had declined to submit a retrospective application for planning permission for the recladding, this work was not considered as being harmful to the visual amenities of the area and so it would not be expedient to take enforcement action.




However, the owner had yet to remove the advertisements that were visually obtrusive and were considered to cause significant visual harm to the street scene, given its residential nature.




RESOLVED: That (a) the Director of Regeneration and Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take any appropriate action including, if necessary, enforcement action and the institution of legal proceedings to secure the removal of the unauthorised signs at 2A Woodhouse Road; and




(b) the Head of Planning, in liaison with a Co-Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the action in order to achieve the objectives hereby confirmed, including taking action to resolve any associated breaches of planning control.


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