Agenda item

Work Programme 2015/16

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Policy and Improvement Officer submitted a report attaching the draft Work Programme for 2015/16.  The draft Programme set out the details of a number of topics which the Committee was requested to prioritise in terms of their consideration at future meetings.  The Programme also contained details of written briefings which would be submitted to the Committee for information only.




Matthew Borland, Policy and Improvement Officer, reported that the issue regarding library services, following the recent changes, should be added to the Work Programme.




Members suggested the following changes:-




(a)       addition of a written briefing on enforcement action taken in respect of litter dropping across the City;




(b)       upgrade the issue with regard to the update following discussion of the Streets Ahead Action Plan on Street Lighting from a written briefing to a main item at a future meeting; and




(c)        requests that three of the other written briefings listed in the Programme, be submitted to the meeting to be held in October 2015.




RESOLVED: That subject to the above suggested amendments, to be confirmed by the Chair and Deputy Chair, in consultation with the Policy and Improvement Officer, approval be given to the draft Work Programme for 2015/16 now submitted.


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