Agenda item

Police and Crime Panel Update

Councillor John Campbell to report



Councillor John Campbell reported on policing issues in South Yorkshire and informed the Committee that the trial of local policing in Barnsley had gone well, with the Police looking to introduce this throughout South Yorkshire.  No figures were available on the cuts in Police Community Support Officers, but these would be shared equitably across South Yorkshire.  South Yorkshire Police was also looking to improve its social media presence by using Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Instagram. 




The last meeting of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel had considered the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Draft Annual Report for 2014/15, which included coverage of the priority areas of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour, protecting vulnerable people and improving visible policing.




In response to Members’ questions, the following points were made:-




·                The Police and Crime Commissioner recognised there was a lack of confidence in the use of the ‘101’ contact number and its effectiveness would be considered as part of the Community Safety item which the Committee was to consider at its February 2016 meeting.




·                The Police and Crime Panel had not discussed in detail the availability of Police Officers to attend local community meetings, but it was felt that this would improve when the local policing teams had become established.  Councillor Campbell agreed to raise this at the next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel and report back.




·                An improved social media presence would provide people with an opportunity to contact the Police and for issues to be shared.




·                The minutes of the Police and Crime Panel meetings were available on its website.




RESOLVED: That the Committee notes the information reported.