Agenda item

Update from the Children's Health and Wellbeing Board

Joint report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, the Cabinet Member, Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council and the Chief Officer, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group



The Board considered a report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council, the Chief Officer, NHS Sheffield Clinical

Commissioning Group and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council. The report provided an update on activity of the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board and an overview of the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board work stream priorities and outlined the current work programme.




Jayne Ludlam, the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, introduced the report and stated that in the development of the Sheffield Children’s Health and Wellbeing Programme Blueprint, the Partnership Board had reviewed the JSNA, public health profiles and variation in child health outcomes. The Partnership Board priorities were outlined and these workstreams were each led by an Executive Member of the Board.




Health and Wellbeing Board members would be given opportunity to hear how work on the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health work stream was progressing during the discussion forum which was to take place at the end of the Health and Wellbeing Board Meeting. The Board was asked whether it was in agreement with the priorities and workstreams which the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board had identified.




It was noted that the engagement and support of Sheffield Healthwatch and Young Healthwatch as regards priorities had been beneficial.




RESOLVED: That the Board:




1.    Notes the work of the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board, the identification of the Board priorities and named Board sponsors;


2.    Notes the development of the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Programme (2015- 2020) Blueprint document;


3.    Notes the impending review of governance structures and boards that exist across Children and Young People’s services; and


4.    Requests a future update and description of activity/progress from each of the work streams (and to note that the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health work stream will be providing an update on progress in the discussion forum at the end of the meeting on 31st March 2016).




Supporting documents: