Agenda item

Enforcement of Planning Control: 25 Moor Valley

Report of the Director of Development Services



The Director of Development Services submitted a report informing Members of a breach of the Planning Regulations in respect of the erection of an unauthorised fence adjacent to the highway at 25 Moor Valley and making recommendations on any further action required.




The report stated that a complaint was received from a member of the public on 16 April 2015 concerning the erection of a 2m high fence along the front boundary of the property, which was also adjacent to a public highway.




Correspondence was entered into with the owner, on 28 May 2015, explaining that because the height of the fence was more than 1m above ground level, and it was adjacent to a public highway, it was not considered to be permitted development and therefore would have required planning permission.




The owner responded to this letter and initially agreed that the fence would be removed. However, its removal did not occur, and so on 15 September 2015 a Section 330 Information Notice was served by the Local Planning Authority.




To date no attempt had been made by the owner to remove the fence, or to reduce it to a more acceptable height.




RESOLVED: That (a) the Director of Regeneration and Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take any appropriate action including, if necessary, enforcement action and the institution of legal proceedings to secure the removal of the unauthorised fence at 25 Moor Valley; and




(b) the Head of Planning, in liaison with a Co-Chair of this Committee, be granted the power to vary the action authorised in order to achieve the objectives hereby confirmed, including taking action to resolve any associated breaches of planning control.


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