Agenda item

Enforcement of Planning Control: 15 Westfield Terrace

Report of the Director of Development Services



The Director of Development Services submitted a report informing Members of a breach of the Listed Building Regulations in respect of the erection of unauthorised signs on a Grade II Listed Building at 15 Westfield Terrace and making recommendations on any further action required.




The report stated that a complaint, from a Planning Officer, was received on 20 January 2016 concerning the fixing of three unauthorised signs that had been fixed to the principal elevation of the property.




On 22 January 2016 correspondence was entered into with the owners of 15 Westfield Terrace informing them that, because this property was a Grade II Listed Building, that listed building consent was required for a development of this nature. It was also explained that because the signs were not in keeping with the character of the building, it was unlikely that listed building consent would be granted.




Whilst the Local Planning Authority recognised the restaurant’s legitimate need to advertise, the signs that were currently displayed on the property were not in keeping with its historic character. However, it was suggested that signs that were more sympathetic to the building’s character would be permitted.




To date the owners had not responded to this letter and the signs remained attached to the property; although the Planning Service was still willing to work with the owners and to provide guidance to help them achieve a more acceptable design for the signs which would meet both their legitimate business needs and achieve compliance with the Council’s requirements for advertisements on Listed Buildings.




RESOLVED: That (a) the Director of Regeneration and Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take any appropriate action including, if necessary, enforcement action and the institution of legal proceedings to secure the removal of the unauthorised signs at 15 Westfield Terrace; and




(b) the Head of Planning, in liaison with a Co-Chair of this Committee, be granted the power to vary the action authorised in order to achieve the objectives hereby confirmed, including taking action to resolve any associated breaches of planning control.


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