Agenda item

Notice of Motion given by Councillor David Baker

That this Council:-


(a)       notes the increased amount of graffiti in Sheffield in recent years;


(b)       believes that this graffiti reflects badly on our city and would give a bad impression to visitors of a city that does not care about its image;


(c)        notes that this has been noticed by many people, including the local press, resulting in a campaign by The Star newspaper;


(d)       thanks the recent investment by the Sheffield Business Improvement District into removing graffiti from commercial properties in the City Centre; and


(e)       calls on the Administration to devolve centrally held monies for graffiti removal to local Ward pots, so local councillors and communities can take targeted and effective action.


Graffiti Removal



It was formally moved by Councillor David Baker, and formally seconded by Councillor Roger Davison, that this Council:-




(a)       notes the increased amount of graffiti in Sheffield in recent years;


(b)       believes that this graffiti reflects badly on our city and would give a bad impression to visitors of a city that does not care about its image;


(c)        notes that this has been noticed by many people, including the local press, resulting in a campaign by The Star newspaper;


(d)       thanks the recent investment by the Sheffield Business Improvement District into removing graffiti from commercial properties in the City Centre; and


(e)       calls on the Administration to devolve centrally held monies for graffiti removal to local Ward pots, so local councillors and communities can take targeted and effective action.




Whereupon, it was formally moved by Councillor Nasima Akther, and formally seconded by Councillor Tony Downing, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the deletion of all the words after the words “That this Council” and the addition of the following words:-




(a)         notes that graffiti is an unwelcome sight in most towns and cities across the country;


(b)         notes the Administration’s commitment to do all it can to remove graffiti in the city, including working closely with the police, Sheffield Business Improvement District and owners of other affected properties, to try and catch offenders;


(c)         further notes the Administration is looking into the possibility of introducing longer-term measures including using anti-graffiti paint and installing CCTV;


(d)         also notes the on-going Clean Sheffield campaign, which will continue to explore ways in which the Council can tackle litter and graffiti in the city;


(e)         thanks the recent investment by the Sheffield Business Improvement District into removing graffiti from commercial properties in the city centre;


(f)          appeals to the people doing graffiti to stop, as not only do they risk getting a criminal record, but it is also an unnecessary drain on  Council resources;


(g)         urges people to report offenders and the location of graffiti on both public and private property when they see it, so it can be removed;


(h)         thanks the public for reporting graffiti which enabled us to respond to more than 1,700 requests across the city last year; and


(i)          believes the current approach - responding to people reporting directly to the Council, thereby enabling resources to be deployed in the areas it is required - is the right one, and does not believe another tier of bureaucracy is required.




On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.




The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-





RESOLVED: That this Council:-


(a)       notes that graffiti is an unwelcome sight in most towns and cities across the country;


(b)       notes the Administration’s commitment to do all it can to remove graffiti in the city, including working closely with the police, Sheffield Business Improvement District and owners of other affected properties, to try and catch offenders;


(c)        further notes the Administration is looking into the possibility of introducing longer-term measures including using anti-graffiti paint and installing CCTV;


(d)       also notes the on-going Clean Sheffield campaign, which will continue to explore ways in which the Council can tackle litter and graffiti in the city;


(e)       thanks the recent investment by the Sheffield Business Improvement District into removing graffiti from commercial properties in the city centre;


(f)        appeals to the people doing graffiti to stop, as not only do they risk getting a criminal record, but it is also an unnecessary drain on  Council resources;


(g)       urges people to report offenders and the location of graffiti on both public and private property when they see it, so it can be removed;


(h)       thanks the public for reporting graffiti which enabled us to respond to more than 1,700 requests across the city last year; and


(i)         believes the current approach - responding to people reporting directly to the Council, thereby enabling resources to be deployed in the areas it is required - is the right one, and does not believe another tier of bureaucracy is required.




(NOTE: Councillors Andy Nash, Bob Pullin, Richard Shaw, Adam Hanrahan, Joe Otten, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Roger Davison, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Cliff Woodcraft, Ian Auckland, Sue Auckland, Steve Ayris, David Baker, Penny Baker and Vickie Priestley voted for paragraphs (a) to (h) and against paragraph (i) of the substantive motion and asked for this to be recorded.)