Agenda item

Enforcement Of Planning Control: 25 Armstead Road

Report of the Head of Planning



The Director of Development Services submitted a report informing Members of alterations to the raised decking within the rear garden of 25 Armstead Road which had been made to comply with the decision of the Planning and Highways Committee on 7 June 2016 and to request that no further action be taken.




The report stated that Planning Application no. 16/00706/FUL for the retention of raised decking, a timber shed and reed fencing within the rear garden of 25 Armstead Road was refused and enforcement action agreed by the Planning and Highways Committee on 7 June 2016. At this time, the Committee decided that the decking should be reduced in height to ground level with a reduction in height of the reed fence so it didn’t exceed the height of the original boundary fence. The timber shed was sited on the decking.




Since the Committee made its decision, the applicant had carried out works to lower the decking but had not lowered the entire deck to ground level. The reed fencing had been reduced in height to match the height of the original boundary fence and the timber shed relocated onto the lowered deck.




The garden to the rear of 25 Armstead Road slopes up from the back of the property. The original raised deck was built out 150mm above the highest ground level adjacent to the rear boundary of the site resulting in its front elevation being elevated 550mm above the original garden level. The deck was accessed via steps adjacent to the boundary with 27 Armstead Road. The works now carried out had secured a reduction in height of the front of the deck to 280mm above the original garden level with the rear part now below original ground level. As a consequence the upper access step had been removed.




The applicant had now contacted Planning Officers to seek their approval that the deck as lowered was now acceptable. The Planning Officer had visited the site and could confirm that whilst the raised deck and lowered reed fencing still allowed limited views over the rear of neighbouring property this was not at a level which officers considered required further action.




RESOLVED: That (a) this Committee agrees that (i) whilst the overall height of the decking had not been reduced in total compliance with its previous recommendation, that the lowered deck within the rear garden of 25 Armstead Road was now at a level that did not cause unreasonable overlooking of neighbouring property, and (ii) in addition, the retention of the timber shed on the lowered deck raised no overbearing or overshadowing concerns which would justify further action; and




(b) this Committee agrees that, accordingly, no further enforcement action be taken.


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