Agenda item

Whistleblowing Policy

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Resources.



Lynsey Linton, Head of Human Resources, introduced a report that indicated that the Council has a Whistleblowing Policy to enable employees to raise matters of concern that are in the public interest so that they may be investigated and, where appropriate, acted upon. The current Policy was adopted by the Council in October 2012 and it had been redesigned, refreshed and updated to simplify and aid understanding for the individual raising a concern and to clarify who should respond to that concern and how it is processed. The revised Policy was attached as an appendix to the report.




Members and officers made a number of suggested amendments to the Whistleblowing Policy, including the deletion of the reference to the Audit Commission, the inclusion of timescales and the amendment to the Interim Director of Finance’s job title.




Resolved: That:-





the revised Whistleblowing Policy appended to the report now submitted is approved with the inclusion of timescales, the deletion of the reference to the Audit Commission and the amendment of the Interim Director of Finance’s job title to read Head of Strategic Finance; and






arrangements be made for the Constitution to be amended accordingly.


Supporting documents: