Agenda item

Applications Under Various Acts/Regulations

Report of the Interim Head of Planning



RESOLVED: That (a) the applications now submitted for permission to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Regulations made thereunder and for consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1989, be decided, granted or refused as stated in the report to this Committee and as amended in the minutes of this meeting, and the requisite notices issued; the granting of any permission or consent shall not constitute approval, permission or consent by this Committee or the Council for any other purpose;




(b) having (i) noted an update on ecological issues and drainage, as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (ii) heard oral representations at the meeting from a local resident objecting to the proposed development and from the applicant’s agent supporting the development, an application for outline planning permission for the erection of 7 dwellinghouses on land to the east of the junction with School Street and Station Road,Mosborough (Case No. 17/00516/OUT) be granted, conditionally, subject to (A) additional conditions in respect of (1) surface water drainage and (2) surface water discharge, all as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report and (B) an additional directive advising the applicant that the proposed footpath link from Station Road on to the site be removed from any future scheme;




(c) having (i) noted additional representations from local residents and the Carter Knowle and Millhouses Community Group and the officer’s response, all as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (ii) heard oral representation at the meeting from three representatives of the Carter Knowle and Millhouses Community Group objecting to the proposed development and from two representatives of the applicant supporting the development, an application for planning permission under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country (General) Regulations 1992 be granted, conditionally, to the City Council for the erection of a three-storey building to form a secondary school and sixth form, including internal and external sports facilities, multi-use games area (MUGA), associated hard and soft landscaping works, fencing, provision of cycle parking and alterations to existing car park at part of the  former Bannerdale site across the road from 152 to 194 Carter Knowle Road (Case No. 16/04750/RG3), subject to (A) amendments to Conditions in respect of (1) Condition 15 concerning the community use agreement, (2) Condition 18 concerning the continuity of the formal use of the sports pitches during development, (3) Condition 20 concerning a financial contribution towards the replacement of formal sports provision off-site, (4) Condition 24 concerning measures to mitigate against the air quality impacts of the development, (5) Condition 25 concerning final numbers and locations for Electric Vehicle Charging Points, (6) Condition 29 concerning a footpath connecting Carter Knowle Road to the existing informal footpath network, (7) Condition 34 concerning the accessible ramp leading from the access road to the main entrance and the external seating, (8) Condition 40 concerning public art and (9) Condition 41 concerning boundary treatment, all as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report (B) an additional directive concerning advising the applicant on any remediation strategy, as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report, (C) an amendment to Condition 10 requiring improvements to the existing ancient hedgerow set to the south, including the section outside the site boundary and (D) an additional directive advising the applicant that a community orchard and children’s play space would be desirable within the retained informal space to the south of the site;




(d) having heard oral representations at the meeting from a representative from the Loxley Valley Protection Society and a local resident objecting to the proposed development and the applicant’s representative supporting the development, an application for planning permission for the demolition and site clearance, erection of 62 dwellings, with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works at Griffs Fireclay Works and land to the north of Griffs Works, Stopes Road (Case No. 16/04749/FUL) be granted, conditionally, subject to (i) Directive 11 being deleted in view of it being a duplication of Directive 8 and an additional directive advising of the Council’s point of contact for the proposed closure/diversion of a highway associated with the development, as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (ii) the completion of a Legal Agreement; and




(e) an application for planning permission for the demolition of an existing dwelling and erection of 2 detached dwellinghouses at 40 Walkley Crescent Road (Case No. 16/03776/FUL) be deferred pending a visit of inspection to the site.




(NOTE In connection with the decision to grant an application for planning permission under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country (General) Regulations 1992, conditionally, to the City Council for the erection of a three-storey building to form a secondary school and sixth form, including internal and external sports facilities, multi-use games area (MUGA), associated hard and soft landscaping works, fencing, provision of cycle parking and alterations to existing car park at part of the  former Bannerdale site across the road from 152 to 194 Carter Knowle Road (Case No. 16/04750/RG3), Councillor Roger Davison stated that he did not support paragraphs 1, 3 and 9 under the “Summary and Recommendation” of the report now submitted (Pages 72 and 73) and asked for this to be recorded.)


Supporting documents: