Agenda item

Progress on Audit Reports with a High Opinion

Report of the Head of Finance.



The Senior Finance Manager, Internal Audit, submitted a report providing an updated position on implementation of recommendations contained in audit reports issued with a high opinion.




Kayleigh Inman, Senior Finance Manager, presented the report and commented that only one recommendation remained outstanding. Members were asked to agree to the removal of the Highways Maintenance Client Monitoring Arrangements and Statutory Responsibilities Health Check items.




In response to a question from a Member of the Committee regarding ongoing monitoring of the Statutory Responsibilities Health Check, Kayleigh Inman confirmed that Directors would be required to review as part of the annual governance declaration. Further to that an assurance framework pilot would be undertaken.




Responding to a question from the Chair regarding ongoing issues, Kayleigh Inman commented that these tended to be big issues which were not easily solved and that the ‘ongoing’ status reflected that work was in progress to address the recommendations.




In respect of a question from a Member of the Committee regarding fraud awareness training, Kayleigh Inman confirmed that an e-learning programme would be rolled out and all services would be required to undertake this once it was available.




Resolved: That the Committee:-




(i)         notes the contents of the report; and




(ii)        agrees to the removal of the Highways Maintenance Client Monitoring Arrangements and Statutory Responsibilities Health Check items from future reports.


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