Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Ian Auckland declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing dwellings, a former pavilion and store building and the erection of 138  dwellinghouses including a new highway access, car parking, open space and landscaping at Sheffield Hallam University, Norton Playing Fields, Derbyshire Lane (Case No.  17/01281/FUL) as it was located within his Ward. Councillor Auckland declared that he had opposed the proposed development and would not speak and vote thereon and did not sit with the Committee during consideration of the item.




Councillor Jack Clarkson declared that he was a Member of Stocksbridge Town Council and that an outline application for planning permission for a residential development at 49 Pot House Lane (Case No. 17/01543/OUT) had not been considered by the Town Council and that he would therefore speak and vote thereon.


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