Agenda item

Internal Audit Annual Report 2016/17

Report of the Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit).



Kayleigh Inman (Senior Finance Manager, Internal Audit) submitted the Internal Audit Annual Report 2016/17 that highlighted the work that had been undertaken by Internal Audit during the year and which supported the Council’s Annual Governance Statement (AGS).  Appended to the report were (a) the Internal Audit Quality Assurance and Improvement Programme, (b) the Internal Audit structure, (c) the Internal Audit Post Audit Questionnaire and (d) a summary of the key actions arising from the medium-high opinion audit reports.




In particular, the Senior Finance Manager stated that (i) comparative statistics for 2016/17 from the core cities in terms of the cost of the audit function, had yet to be released, but would be reported to members of the Committee as soon as they were made available, (ii) the extent to which agreed recommendations arising from audit reports had been implemented, had generally improved during 2016/17 and (iii) from the work undertaken by Internal Audit during that year, she was satisfied that the Council’s core systems include control arrangements which are adequate to allow the Council to conduct its business appropriately.




RESOLVED: That the contents of the report now submitted on the work undertaken by Internal Audit during 2016/17, and the opinion of the Chief Audit Executive (Senior Finance Manager) in relation to the adequacy of the Council’s system of internal control, as set out in paragraphs 60 to 62 of the report, be noted.




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