Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Dianne Hurst declared a personal interest in an application for the use of a building as a seven bed house in multiple occupation at the former Crusty’s café at 86 Richmond Road (Case No. 17/03967/FUL) as she had been approached by members of the community in respect of the proposed development.  Councillor Hurst advised that she had not made any comments on the development and had directed the members of the community to other local Ward Councillors for assistance and that she had not predetermined her view on the application and would speak and vote thereon.



Councillor Zoe Sykes declared a personal interest as a local Ward Councillor and Parish Councillor in respect of Item 9 on the agenda Proposed Closure of Public Footpath ECC/80 at Ecclesfield (Item 8 of these minutes), as she had received information from the Monteney and Ecclesfield Tenants’ and Residents’ Association concerning the closure. Councillor Sykes stated that she had not commented on the information and had not predetermined her view on the matter and would speak and vote thereon.


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