That this Council:-
(a) notes the importance of active play for the health and wellbeing of young people, and the success of organisations like Bristol-based CiC Playing Out in promoting the temporary use of residential roads for ‘playing out sessions’ to encourage active play;
(b) further notes that Playing Out has found that the level of dangerous nitrogen oxide air pollution on the roadside can be significantly decreased during a play street session, providing an additional health benefit;
(c) welcomes the fact that a small number of playing out sessions have already been held in Sheffield, including in May 2017 on Wake Road, but believes that Sheffield City Council can do more to support and promote this positive initiative;
(d) believes that playing out sessions will be most successful if they are resident-led, but that Sheffield City Council has an important role to play in supporting residents to plan and run these sessions on their own streets; and
(e) therefore calls upon the Administration to instruct officers to:-
(i) develop a policy framework to enable a pilot to take place in Sheffield in the summer of 2018, including designing a quick and simple application process for residents wishing to facilitate playing out sessions on their street, and removing barriers to them doing so;
(ii) make contact with relevant officers where similar schemes are currently operating successfully, such as Leeds, Hackney, and Bristol, to learn about the key steps to successfully implementing the policy, and to research the concept on the Playing Out website; and
(iii) present proposals to Cabinet within two months for approval, with a view to advertising the new scheme in time for communities to come forward to be part of the pilot during the school summer holidays 2018.
10.1 |
It was formally moved by Councillor Alison Teal, and formally seconded by Councillor Magid Magid, that this Council:- |
(a) notes the importance of active play for the health and wellbeing of young people, and the success of organisations like Bristol-based CiC Playing Out in promoting the temporary use of residential roads for ‘playing out sessions’ to encourage active play; |
(b) further notes that Playing Out has found that the level of dangerous nitrogen oxide air pollution on the roadside can be significantly decreased during a play street session, providing an additional health benefit; |
(c) welcomes the fact that a small number of playing out sessions have already been held in Sheffield, including in May 2017 on Wake Road, but believes that Sheffield City Council can do more to support and promote this positive initiative; |
(d) believes that playing out sessions will be most successful if they are resident-led, but that Sheffield City Council has an important role to play in supporting residents to plan and run these sessions on their own streets; and |
(e) therefore calls upon the Administration to instruct officers to:- |
(i) develop a policy framework to enable a pilot to take place in Sheffield in the summer of 2018, including designing a quick and simple application process for residents wishing to facilitate playing out sessions on their street, and removing barriers to them doing so; |
(ii) make contact with relevant officers where similar schemes are currently operating successfully, such as Leeds, Hackney, and Bristol, to learn about the key steps to successfully implementing the policy, and to research the concept on the Playing Out website; and |
(iii) present proposals to Cabinet within two months for approval, with a view to advertising the new scheme in time for communities to come forward to be part of the pilot during the school summer holidays 2018. |
10.2 |
Whereupon, it was formally moved by Councillor Jim Steinke, and formally seconded by Councillor Neale Gibson, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:- |
1. the deletion of paragraphs (c) and (e), and the re-lettering of paragraph (d) as a new paragraph (c); and |
2. the addition of new paragraphs (d) to (m) as follows:- |
(d) notes that this Administration is already designing a transparent policy on street play events; |
(e) further notes that there has been a lot of recent interest for play events in Sheffield and, over recent years, there has been an increase in the number of applications that the Council receive for such events and that it is, therefore, important that applicants are dealt with fairly and the policy will give this confidence; |
(f) further notes that during the one year trial for the Play Streets scheme, the frequency of road closures to facilitate the events would be no more than once a month and that any objections to a Street Play event will be reported to and considered by the relevant Cabinet Member, local councillors and local residents; |
(g) notes that this Administration wants to help Sheffield deliver the aspirations of the Move More Plan which sets out a five year framework for the promotion of physical activity in Sheffield and provide overall direction for increasing physical activity in Sheffield by securing and aligning stakeholder commitment to work together to achieve the vision to make Sheffield the most active city by 2020; |
(h) notes that the number of 5 – 15 olds achieving the required level of activity has reduced nationally over the years, with only 21% of boys and 16% of girls in 2012 being sufficiently active; |
(i) believes that play is one of the main ways in which children learn, as it helps to build self-confidence by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities and to feel good about themselves; |
(j) notes that empowering communities and changing the environment to make it easier to be physically active are two outcomes from the Move More Plan, of which the Playing Out Scheme is derived; |
(k) notes that this Administration trialled street play events as part of the introduction of 20mph zones, and that the on-going roll out of the zones across the city is making our streets safer to enjoy and travel; |
(l) notes that this Administration is working with wider community organisations, such as Mosques, Churches and schools, and with residents to ensure that playing out events get the support and publicity they need; and |
(m) notes this Administration’s commitment to take radical action to improve the city’s air quality through the revised Clean Air Strategy and recent innovations including Sheffield planning to be the first local authority in the country to implement fines for car drivers who leave their engine running while idle outside of schools. |
10.3 |
On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried. |
10.3.1 |
(NOTE: Councillors Andy Nash, Bob Pullin, Richard Shaw, Adam Hanrahan, Joe Otten, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Roger Davison, Shaffaq Mohammed, Paul Scriven, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Ian Auckland, Sue Auckland, Steve Ayris, David Baker, Penny Baker and Vickie Priestley voted for parts 1 and paragraphs (d) to (l) of part 2 of the amendment and voted against paragraph (m) of part 2 of the amendment, and asked for this to be recorded.) |
10.4 |
The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:- |
RESOLVED: That this Council:- |
(a) notes the importance of active play for the health and wellbeing of young people, and the success of organisations like Bristol-based CiC Playing Out in promoting the temporary use of residential roads for ‘playing out sessions’ to encourage active play; |
(b) further notes that Playing Out has found that the level of dangerous nitrogen oxide air pollution on the roadside can be significantly decreased during a play street session, providing an additional health benefit; |
(c) believes that playing out sessions will be most successful if they are resident-led, but that Sheffield City Council has an important role to play in supporting residents to plan and run these sessions on their own streets; |
(d) notes that this Administration is already designing a transparent policy on street play events; |
(e) further notes that there has been a lot of recent interest for play events in Sheffield and, over recent years, there has been an increase in the number of applications that the Council receive for such events and that it is, therefore, important that applicants are dealt with fairly and the policy will give this confidence; |
(f) further notes that during the one year trial for the Play Streets scheme, the frequency of road closures to facilitate the events would be no more than once a month and that any objections to a Street Play event will be reported to and considered by the relevant Cabinet Member, local councillors and local residents; |
(g) notes that this Administration wants to help Sheffield deliver the aspirations of the Move More Plan which sets out a five year framework for the promotion of physical activity in Sheffield and provide overall direction for increasing physical activity in Sheffield by securing and aligning stakeholder commitment to work together to achieve the vision to make Sheffield the most active city by 2020; |
(h) notes that the number of 5 – 15 olds achieving the required level of activity has reduced nationally over the years, with only 21% of boys and 16% of girls in 2012 being sufficiently active; |
(i) believes that play is one of the main ways in which children learn, as it helps to build self-confidence by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities and to feel good about themselves; |
(j) notes that empowering communities and changing the environment to make it easier to be physically active are two outcomes from the Move More Plan, of which the Playing Out Scheme is derived; |
(k) notes that this Administration trialled street play events as part of the introduction of 20mph zones, and that the on-going roll out of the zones across the city is making our streets safer to enjoy and travel; |
(l) notes that this Administration is working with wider community organisations, such as Mosques, Churches and schools, and with residents to ensure that playing out events get the support and publicity they need; and |
(m) notes this Administration’s commitment to take radical action to improve the city’s air quality through the revised Clean Air Strategy and recent innovations including Sheffield planning to be the first local authority in the country to implement fines for car drivers who leave their engine running while idle outside of schools. |
10.4.1 |
(NOTE: Councillors Andy Nash, Bob Pullin, Richard Shaw, Adam Hanrahan, Joe Otten, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Roger Davison, Shaffaq Mohammed, Paul Scriven, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Ian Auckland, Sue Auckland, Steve Ayris, David Baker, Penny Baker and Vickie Priestley voted for paragraphs (a) to (l) of the Substantive Motion and voted against paragraph (m) of the Motion, and asked for this to be recorded.) |