Agenda item

Application: Site Of Bannerdale Centre, 125 Bannerdale Road, S7 2DJ (17/01012/REM)



Having (a) noted an additional representation from the Carterknowle and Millhouses Community Group and the officer’s response, all as detailed in the supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (b) heard representations at the meeting from a representative of the Carterknowle and Millhouses Community Group commenting on the proposed development and from the applicant’s representative speaking in support of the proposed development, an application for planning permission for the erection of 62 dwellinghouses and associated works (application to approve details in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale - matters reserved by 17/03068/FUL for an outline application for residential development with all matters reserved except access), amended description and amended drawings at the site of the Bannerdale Centre, 125 Bannerdale Road (Case No. 17/01012/REM) be granted, conditionally, for the reasons contained within the report now submitted, subject to (i) (A) amendments to (1) Condition 1 with an updated approved plans list; (2) Condition 3 amending the timescale for the planting plan and hard landscaping to be carried out and (3) Condition 7 in respect of the addition of wording in respect of the removal of tarmac within the root protection areas for specific trees and the deletion of the wording referring to the north-eastern boundaries of the site; (B) additional conditions in respect of (1) Section G on drawing reference Cross Section/1530.11 (Sheet 2) is to be approved; (2) footpath details to maintain existing routes and (3) details of boundary treatments and materials that are to be approved; (C) Condition 6 being deleted; and (D) an additional directive advising the applicant to contact the City Council's Highway Records team in respect of the closing/diversion of a public footpath/s, all as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report and (ii) additional conditions agreed at the meeting in respect of (A) ensuring existing footpath routes across the site are either protected or diverted to allow safe access at all times during construction; and (B) a Construction Vehicle Management Plan being provided. 




The Committee also requested that the developer engaged with the Carterkowle and Millhouses Community Group on the development of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme and in discussions on dust control, and that officers notify the Group on the receipt of the associated conditions applications.


Supporting documents: