Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Bob Johnson declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for the retention of an existing café and extensions to form toilets and storage area, including changes to opening times to 07:00 hours to 23:30 hours on two occasions per month for functions/events at Stannington Park, Stannington Road (Case No. 17/01148/FUL) as he knew of the applicant, but stated that he had not predetermined his views on the application and would participate in its determination.




Councillor David Baker declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for the demolition of a garage, erection of a dwellinghouse and garage and erection of a second garage to the opposite side of the existing dwelling at 203 Oldfield Road, S6 6DZ (Case No. 17/03555/FUL).  Councillor Baker explained that he had been registered as having objected to the application due to an error in an email communication.  He stated that he would not be speaking and voting thereon, but would remain at the Committee table.




Councillor Ian Auckland declared a personal interest as a local Ward Councillor in an application for planning permission for the use of a former vehicle sales and servicing facility as part storage/distribution, including ancillary retail floor space (Use Class B8), part business (Use Class B1), and part retained as vehicle servicing at 918 to 920 Chesterfield Road (Case No. 17/04265/FUL).  Councillor Auckland stated that whilst other Ward Councillors had made representations and that there had been a petition organised against the proposed development, he had not predetermined his views and would participate in the determination of the application.




Councillor Joe Otten declared a personal interest as a local Ward Councillor in an application for planning permission for the erection of 14 x dwellings at Abbeydale Tennis Club, Abbeydale Road South, (Case No. 17/04282/FUL).  Councillor Otten stated that whilst other Ward Councillors had made representations and he had attended meetings at Abbeydale Sports Club, he had not predetermined his views and would participate in the determination of the application.


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