Agenda item

Cowmouth Farm, 33 Hemsworth Road, S8 8LJ (Case No. 17/04771/FUL)



Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation and having (a) noted the wording of Condition 21 that was proposed to be removed in respect of the application being considered below and that, subject to planning permission being granted, a further application would also be required to vary Conditions 3 and 9 of the site’s reserved matters approval (Case No.16/02968/REM), as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting and (b) heard representations at the meeting from a local Ward Councillor speaking against the removal of Condition 21 and from the applicant’s agent speaking in support of the removal of Condition 21, an application for planning permission under Section 73 to remove Condition 21, imposed by planning approval Case No. 15/00158/ OUT, in respect of the provision of a shared pedestrian/cycle path at Cowmouth Farm, 33 Hemsworth Road, Sheffield, S8 8LJ (Case No. 17/04771/FUL) be refused, as the Committee considered that removing the pedestrian/cycle path from the proposed housing scheme through to Warminster Place would result in the loss of a valuable local facility that provided and promoted choice of sustainable travel options, increased the permeability of the site and access to public areas and contributed towards a sustainable environment and neighbourhood, as such it was considered be contrary to the aims of policies CS53 and CS74 of the Sheffield Development Framework Core Strategy,  T7 and T10 of the Unitary Development Plan and paragraph 69 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: