Agenda item

Ebenezer Chapel, South Road, Walkley, S6 3TD (Case No. 17/05213/LBC)



Having heard oral representations from the applicant’s agent speaking in support of the development, an application for listed building consent for the removal of the existing student accommodation on the ground floor and conversion to 8 x 1 and 2 bedroom apartments; removal of organ, pulpit and partial removal of first floor balcony; reinstatement of original main entrance, lobby and route up to first floor level; installation of mezzanine floors in part of the first floor conversion; insertion of new services and party walls/floors; and proposed access improvements, with the erection of a new external stepped ramp at Ebenezer Chapel, South Road, Walkley (Case No. 17/05213/LBC) be granted, conditionally, for the reasons detailed in the planning application report (Case No. 17/05212/FUL) now submitted.


Supporting documents: