Agenda item

Summary of Statement of Accounts

Report of the Head of Strategic Finance.

















The Executive Director, Resources submitted a report providing the Committee with a summary of the 2017/18 Statement of Accounts, which explained the core statements and a number of key notes to the accounts.


Ruth Matheson, Finance Manager (Strategic Finance), introduced the report.  It was advised that this was the first set of accounts subject to the new statutory deadlines.  The report was governed by accounting standards and legislation.


Public inspection of the accounts was currently underway and a full set of the accounts had been published on the Council’s website.


Members were offered training by an independent consultant that could help assist with their role on the Committee.


Resolved: That (1) the Committee notes the core statements and the key notes to the Statement of Accounts for 2017/18 and, (2) agrees to receive training by an independent consultant to assist them in their role on the committee.


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