Agenda item

Progress on High Opinion Reports

Report of the Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit).



The Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit) submitted a report presenting and communicating to Members of the Committee progress made against recommendations in audit reports that had been given a high opinion.




Kayleigh Inman, Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit) reported that dummy data would be set up to replace the live data which had previously been used in the Housing Management System training. The Council’s Executive Management Team (EMT) had noted the ongoing activity but requested progress be made in implementing the recommendations and she would flag up to EMT where progress had not been made.




In response to a question from a Member, Kayleigh Inman reported that a number of reviews had been undertaken in respect of for parking services, and the review in the report focussed on cash collection. Internal Audit was now satisfied that actions had been completed and followed up.




In respect of market leases, Kayleigh Inman commented that the service were working towards clearing off traders’ arrears which should contribute to the market becoming more profitable and once a trader’s arrears had been cleared Service Manager  would then issue longer term leases.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-





notes the report now submitted; and






agrees to the removal of the following reports from the tracker:


·         Payroll Pension Arrangements

·         Parking Services Cash Income Collection Contract

·         The Markets Service

·         Social Care Accounts Service (SCAS) – Residential and Nursing Agreements

·         Safeguarding Administration and Guidance

·         Payment Card Industry DSS Compliance


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