Agenda item

Suspension of Council Procedure Rules



RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Dianne Hurst, seconded by Councillor David Baker, that, as regards item 7 on the agenda (Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2019/20) (item 8 of these minutes), andin accordance with Council Procedure Rules 4 (Suspension and Amendment of Council Procedure Rules) and 11 (Motions which may be moved without notice):-




(a) Council Procedure Rule 17.5 be suspended to remove the 2 minute time limit on the speeches of the movers and seconders of amendments and a new time limit be set whereby a total of 20 minutes will be shared by the mover and seconder of each amendment, and all other speakers shall have 2 minutes;




(b) Council Procedure Rule 17.6 be suspended to remove the 25 minute time limit for the item of business; and




(c) Council Procedure Rules 17.7(d) and 17.12(a) be suspended to remove the right of reply for the mover of the motion.