Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public



Sue Harding referred to a distressing telephone call she had received that day from someone who was a carer for his family, who stated that continuing healthcare services had been withdrawn and he was struggling to cope.  Ms. Harding stated that she failed to understand that, when things are supposed to be getting better, what happens to those people for whom things are getting worse.




The Chair, Councillor Pat Midgley, stated that Continuing Healthcare was an item on the agenda and hopefully Ms. Harding would hear some answers with regard to her question during the meeting.  She asked Ms. Harding to write to her with the details of the case she had outlined.




Sheila Manclark, Darnall Dementia Group stated that the Group offered range of local services to improve general health and wellbeing and provide support to those in need.  Ms. Manclark said that the Group received funding from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the national lottery and other organisations but have been informed that City Council funding will cease by the end of June, 2019.  In response to a question, Ms. Manclark stated that the Group had received notification of this in September, 2018.




Councillor Chris Peace, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, stated that she had signed off a letter that day in response to this and although the letter was not giving the answer that the Group would want to hear, Councillor Peace, along with the three Ward Councillors in the area who are aware of this matter, were willing to meet with Ms. Manclark to discuss this.  Councillor Peace added that the Group was definitely on the radar and the way forward was about finding support and where the Group fits into the scheme of things.




Andy Shallice, Darnall Dementia Group asked whether the City Council would be maintaining the level of support given to people with dementia as some grants allocated through the Dementia Support Programme were already falling behind or being put back and was it the Scrutiny Committee’s intention to revisit this?




The Chair said that an item relating to Dementia Support would be placed on the Work Programme for 2019/20 Municipal Year, she would ask officers at the start of that Year to ensure that Dementia Support was added as well as any other “outstanding issues”.  She added that there were many things that the Committee had wanted to cover, but time hadn’t allowed for them all to be discussed.




The Policy and Improvement Officer advised the Committee of a question sent in regarding the recent 360 degree assessment of NHS Sheffield CCG. The Committee agreed that the assessment, and the CCG’s action plan to address the issues raised through the assessment should be brought to the Committee at the earliest opportunity in the new municipal year.