Agenda item

Internal Audit Tactical Plan 2019/20

Report of the Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit)



The Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit) submitted a report presenting the Internal Audit planning methodology and programme of work for 2019/20.




In introducing the report, Kayleigh Inman, Senior Finance Manager (Internal Audit), commented that the plan was based on issues reported by Portfolios, the Corporate Risk Register and discussions with Executive Directors regarding emerging risk areas.




The first call list of priority issues was outlined at the end of the plan. These were of medium priority but there were also four high priority issues included. The first call list would be reviewed either mid-year or at the end of the year depending on need. If there were any significant changes to the plan a further report would be submitted to the Committee in November.




Councillor Dianne Hurst commented that she welcomed the principal of Business Partnering and believed this to be a proactive and ambitious way of dealing with resources.




In response to a question from the Committee regarding managing resources, Kayleigh Inman commented that resources were focused on increasing risks and this was looked at from both a reactive and proactive perspective.




In response to a question regarding project management reviews and grant certificate sign offs, Kayleigh Inman stated that the Audit team validated what grants had been spent on. Eugene Walker, Executive Director, Resources added that the Government had outlined which grants needed to be ratified by the Internal Audit team but he didn’t believe this was a good use of the team’s resources and would be better spent on more pro-active work.




In response to a question regarding risk management, Eugene Walker commented that it was important to ensure teams worked together which would make it easier for managers to comply.




Kayleigh Inman stated that risks were identified via a number of different means such as the Corporate Risk Register, the Annual Governance Statement and Cabinet reports identifying new projects and funding streams.




RESOLVED: That the Committee endorses the programme of work for 2019/20 as outlined in the report.


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