Agenda item

Representation, Delegated Authority and Related Issues

To consider any changes to the memberships and arrangements for meetings of Committees etc., delegated authority, and the appointment of representatives to serve on other bodies.



RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Peter Rippon, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that:-




(a)        approval be given to the following changes to the memberships of Committees, Boards, etc.:-




Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee


Councillor Jim Steinke to fill a vacancy






Appeals and Collective Disputes Committee


Councillor Adam Hurst to replace Councillor Talib Hussain






(b)         representatives be appointed to serve on other bodies as follows:-




Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee


Councillor Chris Rosling-Josephs to fill a vacancy






Southey/Owlerton Area Regeneration Board


Councillor Moya O’Rourke to fill a vacancy






(c)         Mr. Peter Naldrett be appointed to continue to serve as a Parent Governor Representative on the Children, Young People and Family Support Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee, for a further period of two years, to 13/9/2021.




Supporting documents: