Agenda item

Notice of Motion Regarding "For a Fair and Just Democracy" - Given By Councillor Roger Davison and To Be Seconded By Councillor Steve Ayris

That this Council:-


(a)       recognises that the most successful societies, both economically and in the protection of human rights, are those governed by liberal/social democratic style administrations;


(b)       agrees that scrutiny and the opportunity for every citizen to debate issues, contributes to a healthy democracy, both locally and nationally;


(c)        notes that Britain has a parliamentary democracy and notes with concern the recent unlawful events in Westminster;


(d)       acknowledges the petition submitted by ‘It’s Our City’ which has triggered a referendum on changing to a committee system; and


(e)       calls for the timely planning and delivery of a committee system that is open and transparent and gives greater power to local people.




It was moved by Councillor Roger Davison, and seconded by Councillor Steve Ayris, that this Council:-




(a)       recognises that the most successful societies, both economically and in the protection of human rights, are those governed by liberal/social democratic style administrations;




(b)       agrees that scrutiny and the opportunity for every citizen to debate issues, contributes to a healthy democracy, both locally and nationally;




(c)        notes that Britain has a parliamentary democracy and notes with concern the recent unlawful events in Westminster;




(d)       acknowledges the petition submitted by ‘It’s Our City’ which has triggered a referendum on changing to a committee system; and




(e)       calls for the timely planning and delivery of a committee system that is open and transparent and gives greater power to local people.




Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Terry Fox, seconded by Councillor Dawn Dale, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the deletion of all the words after the words “That this Council” and the addition of the following words:-




(a)       recognises the importance of decision making being as close to people as possible and that every effort should be made to ensure good governance and robust democratic links;




(b)       believes that it is important to continuously review the operation and governance of the Council, and notes that 5% of the electorate have signed the It’s Our City petition, which, we believe, is a fantastic achievement and the organisers of the petition should be commended for their hard work in securing this;




(c)        believes that this is a positive opportunity to improve how the Council works and gain a wide range of views from different people, groups and partners across the city, but that it is of great importance that as many people as possible engage in this debate, and that we reach as many as possible of the remaining 95% of the people in this city;




(d)       welcomes looking at different governance systems, but believes that, crucially, this should also be about listening to people on how the Council engages and serves the people of Sheffield regardless of which governance system is in place; and




(e)       wants a big city-wide conversation, in all our communities, about how decisions are made that affect and improve people’s lives and that we should always look to improve, and know that we can do more, and wants to listen to people’s views about how we can best approach this.




It was then moved by Councillor Peter Garbutt, seconded by Councillor Alison Teal, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:-






1.         the addition of a new paragraph (e) as follows, and the re-lettering of original paragraph (e) as a new paragraph (f):-






(e)       notes that no action appears to have been taken by the Administration on the proposed committee system, and that the report requested by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to be brought to its September meeting, was not produced;






2.         the addition of new paragraphs (g) to (j) as follows:-






(g)       resolves that all parties and stakeholders are to be involved in the design of a new modern committee system;


(h)       believes the First Past The Post electoral system of winner takes it all can no longer provide a stable government; that the adversarial old party system is no longer fit for purpose, and that a multiparty governance arrangement would better reflect the diversity of opinion amongst voters and create a more balanced and collaborative approach;


(i)         believes that hereditary peers are inconsistent with principles of fairness and equity, and that the House of Lords is anachronistic and in need of complete reform to become an elected assembly; and


(j)         believes that the climate emergency presents both dangers and opportunities for democracy and therefore directs officers to organise, as a matter of urgency, the Citizens Assembly as promised last February.






It was then moved by Councillor Joe Otten, seconded by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of new paragraphs (d) to (g) as follows, and the re-lettering of original paragraphs (d) and (e) as new paragraphs (h) and (i):-






(d)       notes with concern the rise in abuse, threats and violence coming from political extremists and the use of rhetoric likely to incite violence by senior politicians, and believes that elected politicians should show a lead in debating on the issues, showing at least a basic level of respect to those with differing views;






(e)       believes that notions of class struggle and retribution are, like notions of national exceptionalism and purity, destructive to social cohesion and do not advance the cause of social justice, but can generate anger that undermines sober and constructive political debate and civic institutions;






(f)        regrets the resurgence in political discourse of ideas, previously adverse to all major parties, of Marxism and of economic nationalism, which this Council believes are hostile to individual liberty and, if followed through, would be a grave threat to the economic strength of the UK and would therefore lower our standards of living and the quality of our public services;






(g)       believes that the common good is best served by a political culture that respects evidence, rational debate, and the intrinsic dignity and value of all people;






After contributions from two other Members, and following a right of reply from Councillor Roger Davison, the amendment moved by Councillor Terry Fox was put to the vote and was carried.






The amendment moved by Councillor Peter Garbutt was then put to the vote and was negatived, except for paragraphs (i) and (j) of part 2 of the amendment, which were carried on the basis that they were to be additional paragraphs to the Substantive Motion.






The amendment moved by Councillor Joe Otten was then put to the vote and was negatived.






The votes on the amendment moved by Councillor Joe Otten were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-




For paragraphs (d) and (g) of the amendment (34)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Gail Smith) and Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Bob Pullin, Richard Shaw, Bob McCann, Angela Argenzio, Kaltum Rivers, Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Martin Phipps, Tim Huggan, Mohammed Mahroof, Joe Otten, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Barbara Masters, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Cliff Woodcraft, Paul Turpin, Ian Auckland, Sue Auckland, Steve Ayris, Kevin Oxley, Peter Garbutt, Alison Teal David Baker, Penny Baker, Vickie Priestley, Jack Clarkson, Alan Hooper and Mike Levery.






Against paragraphs (d) and (g) of the amendment (43)


Councillors Sophie Wilson, Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan, Michelle Cook, Jackie Drayton, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Anne Murphy, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Moya O’Rourke, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Lewis Dagnall, Cate McDonald, Bob Johnson, George Lindars-Hammond, Josie Paszek, Terry Fox, Pat Midgley, Sioned-Mair Richards, Jim Steinke, Julie Dore, Ben Miskell, Jack Scott, Mike Drabble, Dianne Hurst, Peter Rippon, Dawn Dale, Peter Price, Garry Weatherall, Mike Chaplin, Tony Damms, Jayne Dunn, Francyne Johnson, Olivia Blake, Ben Curran, Neale Gibson, Adam Hurst, Mick Rooney, Jackie Satur and Paul Wood.






Abstained from voting on paragraphs (d) and (g) of the amendment (1)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Tony Downing).






For paragraphs (e) and (f) of the amendment (26)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Gail Smith) and Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Bob Pullin, Richard Shaw, Bob McCann, Tim Huggan, Mohammed Mahroof, Joe Otten, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Barbara Masters, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Cliff Woodcraft, Ian Auckland, Sue Auckland, Steve Ayris, Kevin Oxley, David Baker, Penny Baker, Vickie Priestley, Jack Clarkson, Alan Hooper and Mike Levery.






Against paragraphs (e) and (f) of the amendment (51)


Councillors Sophie Wilson, Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan, Angela Argenzio, Michelle Cook, Kaltum Rivers, Jackie Drayton, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Martin Phipps, Anne Murphy, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Moya O’Rourke, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Lewis Dagnall, Cate McDonald, Paul Turpin, Bob Johnson, George Lindars-Hammond, Josie Paszek, Terry Fox, Pat Midgley, Sioned-Mair Richards, Peter Garbutt, Jim Steinke, Alison Teal, Julie Dore, Ben Miskell, Jack Scott, Mike Drabble, Dianne Hurst, Peter Rippon, Dawn Dale, Peter Price, Garry Weatherall, Mike Chaplin, Tony Damms, Jayne Dunn, Francyne Johnson, Olivia Blake, Ben Curran, Neale Gibson, Adam Hurst, Mick Rooney, Jackie Satur and Paul Wood.






Abstained from voting on paragraphs (e) and (f) of the amendment (1)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Tony Downing).






The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-




RESOLVED: That this Council:-




(a)       recognises the importance  of decision making being as close to people as possible and that every effort should be made to ensure good governance and robust democratic links;




(b)       believes that it is important to continuously review the operation and governance of the Council, and notes that 5% of the electorate have signed the It’s Our City petition, which, we believe, is a fantastic achievement and the organisers of the petition should be commended for their hard work in securing this;




(c)        believes that this is a positive opportunity to improve how the Council works and gain a wide range of views from different people, groups and partners across the city, but that it is of great importance that as many people as possible engage in this debate, and that we reach as many as possible of the remaining 95% of the people in this city;




(d)       welcomes looking at different governance systems, but believes that, crucially, this should also be about listening to people on how the Council engages and serves the people of Sheffield regardless of which governance system is in place;




(e)       wants a big city-wide conversation, in all our communities, about how decisions are made that affect and improve people’s lives and that we should always look to improve, and know that we can do more, and wants to listen to people’s views about how we can best approach this;




(f)        believes that hereditary peers are inconsistent with principles of fairness and equity, and that the House of Lords is anachronistic and in need of complete reform to become an elected assembly; and




(g)       believes that the climate emergency presents both dangers and opportunities for democracy and therefore directs officers to organise, as a matter of urgency, the Citizens Assembly as promised last February.