Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public at the meeting







No petitions were submitted.




Public Questions




Answers were provided as follows to public questions submitted to the meeting:-





Marge Allen from the Friends of Norfolk Heritage Park stated that the Stafford Road/ Granville Road junction was now a major hazard due to an increase in the number of parked cars, which obstructed the vision for oncoming traffic in both directions. She wondered whether this problem had occurred due to cars belonging to students living at the Student Village being parked on the road, as the entrance to the student complex at the top of Norfolk Park Road was permanently locked.






With regard to the increase in the number of student residencies at Norfolk Park and concerns over tree loss, due to these developments. Councillor John Robson reassured Marge Allen that any trees removed due to the development would be replaced elsewhere on the site. Councillor Robson added that the number of dwellings in the proposal had actually been reduced from the original plans, which is why there had been a slight delay in granting planning approval.






With regard to the railings on Bernard Road, Marge Allen reported that these had still not been painted and repaired, and that they were now dangerous.






A written question from Jenny Hobson, Chair of Norfolk Park Tenants and Residents Association, was submitted concerning the discontinuation of the number seven bus service






It was requested that any further closures of the steps at Sheaf Valley Park for plays and performances be displayed clearly at the site, to inform members of the public that the thoroughfare route would be closed for a certain duration.





RESOLVED: That the Assembly requests the following actions to deal with the questions now submitted;


(a)      the East Community Assembly Highways Link Officer be requested to meet with Marge Allen from the Friends of Norfolk Heritage Park to discuss the locked gate at the top entrance to the Norfolk Park Student Village and the impact on parking in the area;


(b)      the Assembly Manager to request the painting and repair of the railings on Bernard Road as part of the Community Service/ Payback Plan for the East area;


(c)      Councillor John Robson to take up the issue of the discontinuation of the number seven bus service with the First Bus Group, and arrange a meeting between Ward Councillors and residents to discuss the issue, and


(d)      the East Area Officer, Parks and Countryside, to inform the Friends of Sheaf Valley Park Group of any future dates for performances in the Sheaf Valley Park amphitheatre which would necessitate a closure of the Park steps.