Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Director of Legal and Governance.



The Committee received a report containing the Committee’s Work Programme for consideration and discussion. The aim of the Work Programme is to show all known, substantive agenda items for forthcoming meetings of the Committee, to enable this committee, other committees, officers, partners and the public to plan their work with and for the Committee. It was highlighted that this was a live document and Members input to it was invaluable. Sections 2.1 in the report; References from Council and petitions were noted.


A question was asked when the Decarbonisation Route Maps would be brought to the committee to have them agreed within the municipal year. The Head of Transport Sustainability and Infrastructure advised that some prioritisation has been made around decarbonisation agenda and a briefing had recently taken place that would inform the timetable into the route maps.  It was advised that an update could be provided to the next meeting on the timeline of the route maps and provide some comfort in terms of what could be delivered in this municipal calendar.


It was agreed a discussion would take place informally to discuss the cross-cutting issues and the timetable for the route maps.


Members stated that the Committee work programme was busy and that they would like to see the long list of potential agenda items prioritised and allocated to meeting dates.


It was also flagged that the work programme for this committee was very heavy.  The Chair confirmed this would be brought up with the Governance Committee as part of the six-month review of the committee system.


A request was made for a presentation to the committee on the Sheaf Valley Cycle route scheme.






1.    That the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1 be agreed, including any additions and amendments identified in Part 1;


2.    That consideration be given to the further additions or adjustments to the work programme presented at Part 2 of Appendix 1;


3.    That Members gave consideration to any further issues to be explored by officers for inclusion in Part 2 of Appendix 1 of the next work programme report, for potential addition to the work programme; and


4.    that the referrals from Council and Local Area Committees (petition and resolutions) detailed in Section 2 of the report be noted and the proposed responses set out be agreed.


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