Agenda item

Establishment of Healthwatch Sheffield - Contract Matters

Report of the Executive Director, Communities.







The Executive Director, Communities, submitted a report seeking approval to the procurement strategy, specifications and contract award for Healthwatch Sheffield.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-






approves the procurement strategy and draft specification for Healthwatch Sheffield and the advocacy service






delegates to the Executive Director, Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with the Health, Care and Independent Living Portfolio and the Director of Commercial Services, the decision to award the contracts and to determine the terms and conditions upon which the contracts will be awarded; and






delegates to the Executive Director, Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with the Health, Care and Independent Living Portfolio, the ability to take action which he feels is necessary to achieve the outcomes outlined in the report.





Reasons for Recommendations




The Council has a duty to obtain ‘Best value’ in any service that it delivers.




Stakeholders have indicated that Healthwatch needs to provide innovative ways to gather and include their views. Tendering will maximise opportunities for creativity and innovation in the delivery of Healthwatch.




Sheffield City Council Standing Orders indicate the requirement to tender for services where the contract value exceeds £50,000.




UK/European regulations require that the procurement process is open, fair, transparent and non-discriminatory and that Service and that supply contracts over £173,000 must be subject to competitive tender.




Letting the complaints advocacy service as a separate lot within one tender gives the best possibility of a strong professional service for citizens that complements rather than detracts from the overall Healthwatch vision.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council is prohibited under the Act from delivering Healthwatch itself.




In compliance with the Council’s Standing Orders, European finance regulations and the strongly expressed views of Sheffield stakeholders, there was no other realistic option other than to go out to tender for an overall Healthwatch contract.




An options appraisal for the complaints advocacy component of the contract has been completed.  This included stakeholder views of available options.  The highest scoring option recommended that the complaints aspect be let as a separate lot alongside the overarching Healthwatch lot within one tender process.


Supporting documents: