Agenda item

Notice Of Motion Concerning Violence in Myanmar

That this Council:-


(a)       calls upon the British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary to condemn the communal violence by Myanmar (formally Burma) security forces of the minority Rohingya communities in the North East of the country, and to respond  to the Human Rights Watch report on the killings published in June and to make representations to the Myanmar Government to call for action to be taken to protect minority communities in the Country;


(b)       calls upon all Sheffield MP’s on behalf of the people of the City to make representations to the Myanmar Embassy to condemn the violence and lack of action by the Myanmar Government;


(c)        questions why there has been so little coverage in the British media, in particular the BBC, ITV and SKY have been noticeable in their absence of reporting;


(d)       rejects the comments of Myanmar Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin who said the authorities had exercised "maximum restraint" in restoring law and order;


(e)       calls upon the Myanmar Government to recognise the Rohingya Muslims who have lived in the area for over 800 years;


(f)         demands that the Myanmar Government end abuses, grant full humanitarian access and invite in international monitors and allow open access to the area; and


(g)       calls upon neighbouring Bangladesh to comply with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ agreement and accept refuges from Myanmar.




RESOLVED On the Motion of Councillor Ibrar Hussain, seconded by Councillor Mohammad Maroof, that this Council:-




(a)       calls upon the British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary to condemn the communal violence by Myanmar (formally Burma) security forces of the minority Rohingya communities in the North East of the country, and to respond  to the Human Rights Watch report on the killings published in June and to make representations to the Myanmar Government to call for action to be taken to protect minority communities in the Country;




(b)       calls upon all Sheffield MP’s on behalf of the people of the City to make representations to the Myanmar Embassy to condemn the violence and lack of action by the Myanmar Government;




(c)        questions why there has been so little coverage in the British media, in particular the BBC, ITV and SKY have been noticeable in their absence of reporting;




(d)       rejects the comments of Myanmar Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin who said the authorities had exercised "maximum restraint" in restoring law and order;




(e)       calls upon the Myanmar Government to recognise the Rohingya Muslims who have lived in the area for over 800 years;




(f)         demands that the Myanmar Government end abuses, grant full humanitarian access and invite in international monitors and allow open access to the area; and




(g)       calls upon neighbouring Bangladesh to comply with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ agreement and accept refuges from Myanmar.