Agenda item

Sale of Land off Twentywell Lane, Sheffield S17, at the North-Side of Poynton Woods

Report of the Executive Director, Operational Services



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures seeking approval for the sale of land off Twentywell Lane to the north side of Poynton Woods, Sheffield S17 in its capacity as a Charity Trustee of the JG Graves Charitable Trust (“the Charity”).


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustees Sub-Committee:-

1.    Approves the freehold sale of the Trust Land based on the terms of this report.

2.    On consideration of the Qualified Surveyor’s Report, to confirm that the Trustees are satisfied that the proposed terms are the best that can be reasonably obtained in the circumstances.




Reasons for Decision


·       The increased line capacity will improve journey times, connectivity, and the

reliability of the railway network along the Hope Valley and Midlands Main

Lines. This will encourage more rail journeys supporting economic growth and the drive towards net zero carbon emissions.

·       The sale will help deliver improvements to the Dore and Totley Station

enhancing the existing rail transport infrastructure and accessibility.

The sale will provide a financial contribution to facilitate improvements to

Poynton Woods identified by Council Officers within the Parks and

Countryside Department.

·       The sale will generate a capital receipt which will be retained by the Charity

and invested or used for the purposes of the objects of the Charity. The terms of sale will ensure the PRoW is retained and the City Council reserve rights of access over the Trust Land.

·       The sale will remove the liability from the Charity to maintain and insure the

Trust Land and to keep it in repair which will reduce the Charity’s expenses on these overheads.

·       Network Rail are a statutory authority with powers to compulsory purchase the Trust Land if required. If sale terms cannot be reached and Network Rail chose to implement those powers, then the matter could go to Lands Tribunal for determination. The Charity could then incur costs and the Trust Land sold on less favourable terms than those recommended




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


·       Should the recommendations of this report not be supported and if Network Rail were unable to purchase the Trust Land by agreement, then as a statutory authority Network Rail could resort to using compulsory purchase powers to secure the purchase of the Trust Land.

·       It is considered that there are no other realistic options here given that Network Rail can compulsory purchase the Trust Land. This would mean that they are not obligated to make the financial contributions agreed by agreement in 1.11 or allow the City Council to reserve rights of access as highlighted in 1.12.




The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures seeking approval for the sale of land off Twentywell Lane to the north side of Poynton Woods, Sheffield S17 in its capacity as a Charity Trustee of the JG Graves Charitable Trust (“the Charity”).


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustees Sub-Committee:-

1.    Approves the freehold sale of the Trust Land based on the terms of this report.

2.    On consideration of the Qualified Surveyor’s Report, to confirm that the Trustees are satisfied that the proposed terms are the best that can be reasonably obtained in the circumstances.




Reasons for Decision


·       The increased line capacity will improve journey times, connectivity, and the

reliability of the railway network along the Hope Valley and Midlands Main

Lines. This will encourage more rail journeys supporting economic growth and the drive towards net zero carbon emissions.

·       The sale will help deliver improvements to the Dore and Totley Station

enhancing the existing rail transport infrastructure and accessibility.

The sale will provide a financial contribution to facilitate improvements to

Poynton Woods identified by Council Officers within the Parks and

Countryside Department.

·       The sale will generate a capital receipt which will be retained by the Charity

and invested or used for the purposes of the objects of the Charity. The terms of sale will ensure the PRoW is retained and the City Council reserve rights of access over the Trust Land.

·       The sale will remove the liability from the Charity to maintain and insure the

Trust Land and to keep it in repair which will reduce the Charity’s expenses on these overheads.

·       Network Rail are a statutory authority with powers to compulsory purchase the Trust Land if required. If sale terms cannot be reached and Network Rail chose to implement those powers, then the matter could go to Lands Tribunal for determination. The Charity could then incur costs and the Trust Land sold on less favourable terms than those recommended




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


·       Should the recommendations of this report not be supported and if Network Rail were unable to purchase the Trust Land by agreement, then as a statutory authority Network Rail could resort to using compulsory purchase powers to secure the purchase of the Trust Land.

·       It is considered that there are no other realistic options here given that Network Rail can compulsory purchase the Trust Land. This would mean that they are not obligated to make the financial contributions agreed by agreement in 1.11 or allow the City Council to reserve rights of access as highlighted in 1.12.


Supporting documents: