Agenda item

Consultation Responses on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan

Report of the Executive Director for City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director-City Futures providing an overview of the public consultation carried out on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan, including some of the key issues. It also sets out the process for responding to the issues raised and the timetable and process for submitting the Sheffield Plan to the Government for public examination.  




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:



a)    notes the issues arising from public consultation on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan;

b)    notes that a ‘schedule of suggested amendments’, compiled in response to the comments on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan, is to be considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee and full Council prior to submitting the relevant documents to the Government in accordance with recommendation (d) of the decision of full Council dated 14th December 2022 




Reasons for Decision




Once adopted, the new Sheffield Plan will make a major contribution to the future development of the city and will guide development over the next 15-20 years. It is important that the plan is adopted as soon as possible. 




The documents that are the subject of this report (Part 1: Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations, Part 2: Development Management Policies, Annex A: Site Allocation Schedule, Annex B: Parking Guidelines, Policies Map and Glossary) comprise the draft development plan documents for Sheffield. They were published under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The submission documents will include such documents as fall within the definition at Regulation 17 (as agreed by full Council on 14th December 2022).




The Draft Sheffield Plan represent the Council’s firm proposals for the

development of the city over the period to 2039. The public

consultation, seeking views on the ‘soundness’ of the Plan was a

required stage before the Draft Plan is submitted to the Government for

public examination. Comments received with respect to this

consultation process are currently being reviewed before amendments

are proposed to the Strategy and Resources Committee in August and

full Council in September.




The recommendations reflect earlier decisions taken by full Council on

14th December 2022 for decisions on any desired amendments to the

Plan to be taken by the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee and

then full Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The options available to the Council in terms of proposing amendments

to the Sheffield Plan have already been outlined in paragraph ##

above. This will be a matter for the Strategy & Resources Committee

and full Council to consider.






The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director-City Futures providing an overview of the public consultation carried out on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan, including some of the key issues. It also sets out the process for responding to the issues raised and the timetable and process for submitting the Sheffield Plan to the Government for public examination.  




It was clarified that the report had highlighted the key themes of the consultation responses but there were many other comments and these would be included in the report to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:



a)    notes the issues arising from public consultation on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan;

b)    notes that a ‘schedule of suggested amendments’, compiled in response to the comments on the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan, is to be considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee and full Council prior to submitting the relevant documents to the Government in accordance with recommendation (d) of the decision of full Council dated 14th December 2022 




Reasons for Decision




Once adopted, the new Sheffield Plan will make a major contribution to the future development of the city and will guide development over the next 15-20 years. It is important that the plan is adopted as soon as possible. 




The documents that are the subject of this report (Part 1: Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations, Part 2: Development Management Policies, Annex A: Site Allocation Schedule, Annex B: Parking Guidelines, Policies Map and Glossary) comprise the draft development plan documents for Sheffield. They were published under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The submission documents will include such documents as fall within the definition at Regulation 17 (as agreed by full Council on 14th December 2022).




The Draft Sheffield Plan represent the Council’s firm proposals for the

development of the city over the period to 2039. The public

consultation, seeking views on the ‘soundness’ of the Plan was a

required stage before the Draft Plan is submitted to the Government for

public examination. Comments received with respect to this

consultation process are currently being reviewed before amendments

are proposed to the Strategy and Resources Committee in August and

full Council in September.




The recommendations reflect earlier decisions taken by full Council on

14th December 2022 for decisions on any desired amendments to the

Plan to be taken by the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee and

then full Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The options available to the Council in terms of proposing amendments

to the Sheffield Plan have already been outlined in paragraph ##

above. This will be a matter for the Strategy & Resources Committee

and full Council to consider.




Supporting documents: