Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The Principal Democratic Services Officer presented the Work Programme. Discussion took place around a task and finish group to include members of the Governance Committee and the Charitable Trustee Sub-Committee to discuss governance arrangements.


A request was made to convene an extraordinary meeting of the committee for the purposes of discussing the Rose Garden Café in Graves Park and the Chair agreed to facilitate this.


A request was made to add an update on Norton Nurseries to the work programme for future consideration.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that, having considered if they wanted any further additions or adjustments to the work programme:-


1.    the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1 be agreed, including any additions and amendments identified in Part 1, with the addition of items relating to the Rose Garden Café (to be heard in October), Norton Nurseries and the governance of charities of which the Council is the charitable trustee (including charitable accounts);



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