Motion of the Lord Mayor (Councillor Colin Ross), seconded by the
Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Jayne Dunn), that, in accordance with
Council Procedure Rules 4 (Suspension and Amendment of Council
Procedure Rules) and 11 (Motions which may be moved without
notice), Council Procedure Rule 17.6 be suspended to remove the
25-minute time limit for this item of business and a new time limit
of 45-minutes be set for the item.
It was moved by
Councillor Tom Hunt, and seconded by Councillor Zahira Naz,
that, as recommended in the report of the
Executive Director, City Futures, published with this agenda,
seeking approval of responses to representations received on the
Publication Draft Sheffield Local Plan (‘The Draft Sheffield
Plan’) and approval to submit the Plan and associated
‘submission documents’ to the Government for public
examination, it be RESOLVED: That this Council:–
(a) approves the recommended responses to the main issues raised in
representations on the Publication Draft Plan set out in the
Consultation Statement (already endorsed by the Strategy and
Resources Policy Committee and presented in Appendix 2, 2c & 2f
of the report);
(b) approves the more detailed responses to the individual
representations received on the Publication Draft Plan Part 1, Part
2, Annex B and the Glossary, as well as the responses to
representations on the other submission documents (not previously
considered by the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee unless
the matter(s) raised was addressed as part of a ‘main
issue’) – now set out in Appendix 2a, 2b, 2d, 2e and 2g
of the report;
(c) approves the suggested amendments to the Publication Draft
Sheffield Plan set out in Appendix 3 of the report and shown as
tracked changes within Appendices 5a-5e (which have already been
endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Policy
(d) approves the further suggested amendments to the Publication
Draft Sheffield Plan summarised in the report and highlighted in
red in Appendix 3 (also shown as tracked changes in Appendices
(e) approves
the suggested other minor amendments to the Publication Draft
Sheffield Plan set out in Appendix 4 of the report and shown as
tracked changes within Appendices 5a-5e (which have already been
endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Policy
(f) approves the further suggested minor amendments to the
Publication Draft Sheffield Plan highlighted in red in Appendix 4
(also shown as tracked changes in Appendices 5a-5e);
(g) notes the ongoing evidence updates with respect to the relevant
‘submission documents’ as set out in Appendix 6 of the
(h) endorses the Infrastructure Delivery Plan Part 2 (Appendix 7 of
the report); and
(i) approves submission of the Draft Sheffield Plan and associated
documentation to the Government for independent
Whereupon, it was
moved by Councillor Joe Otten, and seconded by Councillor Andrew
Sangar, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended
by the addition of a new paragraph (i) as
follows, and the re-lettering of original paragraph (i) as a new
paragraph (j):-
(i) requests that an amendment to the Draft Sheffield plan is
submitted proposing the removal of clause a) of Policy NC12
(‘Hot Food Takeaways’);
It was then moved by
Councillor Mary Lea, seconded by Councillor Mike Chaplin, as an
amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by
the addition of new paragraphs (i) to (k) as
follows, and the re-lettering of original paragraph (i) as a new
paragraph (l):-
(i) expresses its
thanks to all the people of Sheffield who submitted views about the
Local Plan through the different stages of consultation;
(j) notes that some
members of the public and elected members have strong concerns
about different parts of the Plan, including about the site at
Eckington Way, and asks the independent inspector to pay proper and
due regard to these concerns when they examine the plan and conduct
public hearings;
(k) notes that any future
development would be subject to the usual planning process which
would ensure that residents are able to further express their views
on future planning proposals, and that traffic, biodiversity, and
air quality assessments should be considered if any planning
applications are submitted;
After contributions
from 11 other Members, it was RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor
Bryan Lodge, seconded by Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, that, in
accordance with Council Procedure Rules 4 (Suspension and Amendment
of Council Procedure Rules) and 11 (Motions which may be moved
without notice), Council Procedure Rule 17.6 be again suspended to
remove the time limit agreed for this item of business, to enable
all other Members who had indicated to the Lord Mayor that they
wished to speak on this item, to do so.
After contributions
from a further 10 other Members, and following a right of reply
from Councillor Tom Hunt, the amendment moved by Councillor Joe
Otten was put to the vote and was lost.
The votes on the amendment were ordered to be
recorded and were as follows:-
For the Amendment (26)
Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Richard Shaw,
Sophie Thornton, Ian Horner, Kurtis Crossland, Ann Woolhouse, Tim
Huggan, Joe Otten, Martin Smith, Robert Reiss, Alan Woodcock, Roger
Davison, Barbara Masters, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sue Alston, Andrew
Sangar, Cliff Woodcraft, Ian Auckland, Mohammed Mahroof, Steve
Ayris, Peter Price, Penny Baker, Richard Williams, Alan Hooper,
Mike Levery and Ann Whitaker.
Against the Amendment (46)
The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Jayne Dunn)
and Councillors Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan,
Angela Argenzio, Brian
Holmshaw, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Safiya Saeed,
Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Minesh
Parekh, Ruth Milsom, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Zahira Naz, Craig
Gamble Pugh, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Alexi
Dimond, Marieanne
Elliot, Paul Turpin, Christine Gilligan Kubo, Toby Mallinson, Henry Nottage,
Sioned-Mair Richards, Terry Fox, Tony Downing, Glynis Chapman, Gail
Smith, Ibby Ullah, Nighat Basharat, Ben Miskell, Nabeela Mowlana,
Sophie Wilson, David Barker, Dianne Hurst,
Dawn Dale, Garry Weatherall, Mike Chaplin, Julie Grocutt, Janet
Ridler, Laura McClean, Tom Hunt, Bernard
Little and Mick Rooney.
Abstained from voting on the Amendment (2)
The Lord Mayor (Councillor Colin Ross) and
Councillor Laura Moynahan.
The amendment moved
by Councillor Mary Lea was then put to the vote and was carried,
but in part. Paragraphs (i) and (k) of the amendment were carried,
and paragraph (j) of the amendment was lost.
(NOTE: The result of
the vote was FOR - 38 Members; AGAINST - 29 Members; ABSTENTIONS
– 8 Members. Although Green Group Members voted for, they
voted against paragraph (j) of the amendment.)
The original Motion, as amended, was then put
as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-
this Council:-
(a) approves the recommended
responses to the main issues raised in representations on the
Publication Draft Plan set out in the Consultation Statement
(already endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
and presented in Appendix 2, 2c & 2f of the report);
approves the more detailed responses to the
individual representations received on the Publication Draft Plan
Part 1, Part 2, Annex B and the Glossary, as well as the responses
to representations on the other submission documents (not
previously considered by the Strategy and Resources Policy
Committee unless the matter(s) raised was addressed as part of a
‘main issue’) – now set out in Appendix 2a, 2b,
2d, 2e and 2g of the report;
approves the suggested amendments to the Publication
Draft Sheffield Plan set out in Appendix 3 of the report and shown
as tracked changes within Appendices 5a-5e (which have already been
endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Policy
approves the further suggested amendments to the
Publication Draft Sheffield Plan summarised in the report and
highlighted in red in Appendix 3 (also shown as tracked changes in
Appendices 5a-5e);
approves the suggested other minor amendments to the
Publication Draft Sheffield Plan set out in Appendix 4 of the
report and shown as tracked changes within Appendices 5a-5e (which
have already been endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Policy
approves the further suggested minor amendments to
the Publication Draft Sheffield Plan highlighted in red in Appendix
4 (also shown as tracked changes in Appendices
notes the ongoing evidence updates with respect to
the relevant ‘submission documents’ as set out in
Appendix 6 of the report;
endorses the Infrastructure Delivery Plan Part 2
(Appendix 7 of the report);
expresses its thanks to all the people of Sheffield
who submitted views about the Local Plan through the different
stages of consultation;
notes that any future development would be subject
to the usual planning process which would ensure that residents are
able to further express their views on future planning proposals,
and that traffic, biodiversity, and air quality assessments should
be considered if any planning applications are submitted;
approves submission of the Draft Sheffield Plan and
associated documentation to the Government for independent
The votes on the Substantive Motion were
ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-
For the Substantive Motion (37)
The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Jayne Dunn)
and Councillors Angela Argenzio, Brian Holmshaw, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Safiya Saeed,
Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Minesh
Parekh, Ruth Milsom, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Zahira Naz, Craig
Gamble Pugh, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Alexi
Dimond, Marieanne
Elliot, Paul Turpin, Christine Gilligan Kubo, Toby Mallinson, Henry Nottage,
Sioned-Mair Richards, Laura Moynahan, Ibby
Ullah, Nighat Basharat, Ben Miskell, Nabeela Mowlana, Sophie Wilson, David Barker, Dawn Dale, Mike Chaplin,
Janet Ridler, Laura McClean, Tom Hunt, Bernard
Little and Mick Rooney.
Against the Substantive Motion (17)
Councillors Simon
Clement-Jones, Sophie Thornton,
Ian Horner, Kurtis Crossland, Ann Woolhouse, Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Tim Huggan, Roger Davison, Barbara Masters, Terry Fox,
Glynis Chapman, Gail Smith, Dianne Hurst,
Garry Weatherall, Tony Damms and Julie Grocutt.
Abstained from voting on the Substantive
Motion (20)
Councillors Richard
Shaw, Karen McGowan, Joe Otten, Martin Smith,
Robert Reiss, Alan Woodcock,
Shaffaq Mohammed, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Cliff
Woodcraft, Ian Auckland, Mohammed Mahroof, Steve Ayris, Tony
Downing Penny Baker, Richard
Williams, Alan Hooper, Mike Levery,
Ann Whitaker and Mick Rooney.