16.4.3 |
The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Director and the Director of Integrated Commissioning which set out the statutory duties, provided an overview and sought approval for the recommission of the sub-regional Victim Engagement Service for Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley Youth Justice Services.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee: -
- approves the commission of an external provider to deliver a Victim Engagement Service as part of a joint commission with Rotherham and Barnsley Youth Justice Services with an estimated cost of £277,200 to Sheffield City Council over a period of 4 years, as set out in this report.
Reasons for Decision
To support the development of a consistent service delivery and key services across the sub-region that supports the statutory requirements of the youth justice teams. By the three regional youth justice services joining together in a single contract (as joint contracting parties each being solely responsible for their respective service areas) for the victim engagement service we are ensuring best value for money and cost effectiveness and will be better able to achieve a higher standard of service throughout the region which is consistent with each YJS regions delivery plan as well as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan. There is a statutory requirement set out within the national standards for the delivery of youth justice services which are subject to an inspection and audit regime for the provision of restorative justice and victim services, and these are as set out within the contract.
Alternatives Considered and Rejected
Do nothing – which we cannot as the provision of this Service is a statutory duty; therefore, we must deliver it.
Deliver the service in-house – we currently do not have the expertise or capacity to deliver the service in-house, for the reasons stated above, it is not economically viable for us to get the same resource level if we deliver the service in-house.
Do our own tender – which would be a collective collaboratively procured approach on the open market, through an open tender, as this would maximise the interest and competition and thereby return the most economically advantageous tender.
Supporting documents: