Agenda item

Notice of Motion Regarding "Protecting Sheffield From Dangerous Dogs" - Given By Councillor Tom Hunt And To Be Seconded By Councillor Mike Chaplin

That this Council:-


(a)      welcomes the efforts of responsible dog owners in Sheffield who train their dogs properly resulting in well behaved dogs which offer companionship and enhance our communities;


(b)      notes the positive contribution made by responsible dog breeders which enable owners to select healthy well-adjusted dogs;


(c)      however, believes we cannot ignore the appalling evidence and increasing number of dog related incidents and the harm they cause - to children and adults, as well as pets, wildlife and livestock;


(d)      notes that nationally around 9,000 people a year are admitted to hospital with severe dog bites - up from 7,500 in 2017 - costing the NHS an estimated £71 million;


(e)      notes with alarm the recent horrific dog attacks in Sheffield and around the country;


(f)       believes we have seen too many devastating injuries from dogs, with shocking life-changing injuries sustained for both adults and young children;


(g)      notes that South Yorkshire Police have seen the number of dog related incidents double in five years and in the first three months of 2023 they found that XL Bullies accounted for 25% of aggressive dogs seized;


(h)      believes that dangerous dogs put our dedicated, hardworking Sheffield City Council staff and key workers, including homecare assistants and postal workers, at risk and in needless danger;


therefore this Council:


(i)       condemns illegal dog breeding and puppy farming;


(ii)       calls on government to implement the ban on XL bullies without delay.




It was moved by Councillor Tom Hunt, and seconded by Councillor Mike Chaplin, that this Council:-




(a)      welcomes the efforts of responsible dog owners in Sheffield who train their dogs properly resulting in well behaved dogs which offer companionship and enhance our communities;




(b)      notes the positive contribution made by responsible dog breeders which enable owners to select healthy well-adjusted dogs;




(c)      however, believes we cannot ignore the appalling evidence and increasing number of dog related incidents and the harm they cause - to children and adults, as well as pets, wildlife and livestock;




(d)      notes that nationally around 9,000 people a year are admitted to hospital with severe dog bites - up from 7,500 in 2017 - costing the NHS an estimated £71 million;




(e)      notes with alarm the recent horrific dog attacks in Sheffield and around the country;




(f)       believes we have seen too many devastating injuries from dogs, with shocking life-changing injuries sustained for both adults and young children;




(g)      notes that South Yorkshire Police have seen the number of dog related incidents double in five years and in the first three months of 2023 they found that XL Bullies accounted for 25% of aggressive dogs seized;




(h)      believes that dangerous dogs put our dedicated, hardworking Sheffield City Council staff and key workers, including homecare assistants and postal workers, at risk and in needless danger; and




therefore this Council:-




(i)     condemns illegal dog breeding and puppy farming; and




(ii)    calls on the Government to implement the ban on XL bullies without delay.




Whereupon, it was formally moved by Councillor Joe Otten, and formally seconded by Councillor Sue Alston, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of new paragraphs (i) to (l) as follows:-




(i)       recognises that ambiguity around the definition of the XL bully and similar dogs, with or without a ban, poses additional challenges for dog control and animal care officers, alongside additional demands on the service as more potentially dangerous animals are likely to be rejected by their owners;




(j)       condemns the illegal and barbaric practice of dog fighting, which contributes to the criminal breeding of highly aggressive dogs;




(k)      highly appreciates the good work by dog rescue charities to find homes for unwanted dogs, often working with dogs with difficult behaviour;




(l)       welcomes the new kennelling strategy agreed by the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee, which will improve the conditions which dogs under the Council’s care are kept in, and deliver a cost saving of £54k per year;




It was then formally moved by Councillor Douglas Johnson, and formally seconded by Councillor Martin Phipps, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:-




1.       the addition of a new paragraph (c) as follows, and the re-lettering of all further paragraphs accordingly:-




(c)      thanks dog shelters, charities and rescuers for their work caring for rescue dogs, and finding and supporting suitable new owners for them, and encourages those looking for a new dog to rehome a rescue;




2.       the addition [after the original paragraph (g), re-lettered as a new paragraph (h)] of a new paragraph (i) as follows:-




(i)       believes that the rise in figures shows that more needs to be done to address unethical dog breeders, and to ensure that dogs are raised in a suitable environment by responsible owners;




3.       the addition of a new sub-paragraph (iii) in the “therefore this Council” section, as follows:-




(iii)      calls on the Government to implement two-tier dog-licensing [breeding and non-breeding], licensing of all animal breeders and dog owners, and subsidised spaying and neutering, to ensure more responsible care of all dogs, not just selected breeds.




The amendment moved by Councillor Joe Otten was put to the vote and was carried unanimously.




The amendment moved by Councillor Douglas Johnson was then put to the vote and was carried, but in part.  Parts 1 and 2 of the amendment were carried, and Part 3 of the amendment was lost.




(NOTE: The result of the vote was FOR - 65 Members; AGAINST - 0 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 0 Members.  Although Labour Group and Liberal Democrat Group Members voted for, they voted against Part 3 of the amendment.)




The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and was carried unanimously:-






RESOLVED:  That this Council:-




(a)      welcomes the efforts of responsible dog owners in Sheffield who train their dogs properly resulting in well behaved dogs which offer companionship and enhance our communities;




(b)      notes the positive contribution made by responsible dog breeders which enable owners to select healthy well-adjusted dogs;




(c)      thanks dog shelters, charities and rescuers for their work caring for rescue dogs, and finding and supporting suitable new owners for them, and encourages those looking for a new dog to rehome a rescue;




(d)      however, believes we cannot ignore the appalling evidence and increasing number of dog related incidents and the harm they cause - to children and adults, as well as pets, wildlife and livestock;




(e)      notes that nationally around 9,000 people a year are admitted to hospital with severe dog bites - up from 7,500 in 2017 - costing the NHS an estimated £71 million;




(f)       notes with alarm the recent horrific dog attacks in Sheffield and around the country;




(g)      believes we have seen too many devastating injuries from dogs, with shocking life-changing injuries sustained for both adults and young children;




(h)      notes that South Yorkshire Police have seen the number of dog related incidents double in five years and in the first three months of 2023 they found that XL Bullies accounted for 25% of aggressive dogs seized;




(i)       believes that the rise in figures shows that more needs to be done to address unethical dog breeders, and to ensure that dogs are raised in a suitable environment by responsible owners;




(j)       believes that dangerous dogs put our dedicated, hardworking Sheffield City Council staff and key workers, including homecare assistants and postal workers, at risk and in needless danger; and




          therefore this Council:-




(i)       condemns illegal dog breeding and puppy farming; and




(ii)       calls on the Government to implement the ban on XL bullies without delay;




(k)      recognises that ambiguity around the definition of the XL bully and similar dogs, with or without a ban, poses additional challenges for dog control and animal care officers, alongside additional demands on the service as more potentially dangerous animals are likely to be rejected by their owners;




(l)       condemns the illegal and barbaric practice of dog fighting, which contributes to the criminal breeding of highly aggressive dogs;




(m)     highly appreciates the good work by dog rescue charities to find homes for unwanted dogs, often working with dogs with difficult behaviour; and




(n)      welcomes the new kennelling strategy agreed by the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee, which will improve the conditions which dogs under the Council’s care are kept in, and deliver a cost saving of £54k per year.