Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



The Committee received a public question from Ruth Hubbard concerning the Committee’s ongoing work relating to public questions.  Ruth Hubbard had shared an interim paper from Sheffield Oversight and Scrutiny (SOS) and asked three related questions, as folllows:


“Please will the appointed Task and Finish Group and Governance Committee:

(1)        Carefully consider issues and findings in the SOS (interim) paper, for the purposes of the current council review of PQs [public questions] and petitions;

(2)        Include it in the minutes of this meeting (to note); and

(3)        Report back at the appropriate time on how the paper has any influence (or not) in the process and for thinking in the ongoing review, and in any proposals for improvements the committee might consider coming out of its review.”




The Chair (Councillor Fran Belbin) confirmed that the issues and findings would be considered as part of the Committee’s work concerning public questions and petitions and she thanked the citizens who had contributed to the SOS paper. The Committee noted that the SOS paper was interim and that its contents would be published only when the final version of the paper was provided by SOS to the Council. The Chair confirmed that feedback on the contents of the SOS paper would be provided when the matter of public questions was considered by the Working Group and the Committee.