Agenda item

Adult Health and Social Care: Financial Recovery Plan Update


























The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided the Committee with an update on 2024/5 business planning, an analysis of the underlying financial pressures to be carried forward into the 2024/25 financial year.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


1. Note the changes to the Committee’s budget plan since the November update and the proposals being brought forward to close the 2024/25 budget gap.

2. Note that £2.8m more Social Care Grant (ringfenced for Adult and Childrens Social Care) than assumed in the Council’s planning has been received but £4.9m less of unringfenced ‘Services Grant received. To note that this has resulted in a subsequent increase of £2m Social Care Grant to Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee but a decrease of £0.9m corporate funding to Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee.

3. Note the impact of funding changes on the 2023/24 carry forward position and recovery plan for 2024/25.

4. Note the recovery plan to mitigate underlying demand and cost pressures in 2024/ 2025.


The Committee noted the report.


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