Agenda item

Adult Health and Social Care Committee Climate Statement



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which sought endorsement of an Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee Statement.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:


1. Agree the Adult Health and Care Policy Committee Climate Statement attached at Appendix 1.

2. Note that dedicated adult climate focused workshops will take place during 2024 with social care providers, voluntary sector, and partners to agree a long-term social care action plan to realise our climate ambitions. The resultant action plan will be brought to a future Committee for approval.

3. Note the intention to seek a partnership with academia to consider the adult social care contribution to climate action.

4. Note the intention of the Strategic Director to embed within our contract monitoring processes an assurance that all providers have effective business continuity arrangements to respond to impacts of climate change and have plans to support our climate ambitions.

5. Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing provides an update every six months to Committee on delivery of the Statement.




Reasons for Decision













It is important that the response to the Annual Climate Progress Report is open and transparent in setting out the challenges which the local authority faces in making progress and clarifies future expectations on the part we all have to play in addressing climate change.


An endorsed Adult Climate Statement gives the public assurance that the Committee is delivering upon its commitment towards Climate Change and Net Zero.


Asking for the six-monthly updates provides public accountability and transparency of our progress in delivery.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected






Not providing committee climate statements. This would not provide the assurances to Committee and the Council that Climate Change and a commitment to Net Zero are being progressed by Adults Services.


Supporting documents: