Agenda item

Road Map to Net Zero

Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services




The Housing Decarbonisation Manager introduced the report which briefed members on the commission to RLB (Rider Levett Bucknall) to develop a roadmap to carbon net zero for the Council’s housing stock.


The project directly supports Sheffield’s strategies and ambitions centred on net zero carbon, tackling fuel poverty and providing affordable warmth.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1.     Note the aspiration to integrate heat pump delivery into future housing stock activity, and the outline plans described in this report.

2.     Note the funding shortfall and propose any alternative options for officer examination to meet that shortfall.

3.     Note the ongoing retrofit delivery and build-capacity activity.

4.     Look forward to the final report from the external experts.

5.   Re-state the committee’s endorsement of a fabric-first approach focussing on good quality insulation and ventilation.


Reasons for Decision


In order to tackle climate change and as part of meeting the Council’s 2030 net zero ambitions it must take action to decarbonise its housing stock. Fundamentally, this involves the transition to low carbon heating solutions. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure the fabric of the buildings provides the appropriate level of thermal retention in relation to new heating technologies to ensure household energy costs are not increased.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The only alternative is to do nothing. This would involve not delivering focussed investment in the retrofit of homes, including improved energy efficiency measures and switch to low carbon heating. This would not meet the Council’s own aims and ambitions to tackle climate change, and it is not sustainable in the long term as national policy transitions away from fossil fuels. To not act sooner creates a greater challenge and cost.




The Housing Decarbonisation Manager introduced the report which briefed members on the commission to RLB (Rider Levett Bucknall) to develop a roadmap to carbon net zero for the Council’s housing stock.


The project directly supports Sheffield’s strategies and ambitions centred on net zero carbon, tackling fuel poverty and providing affordable warmth.



After some discussion the Committee agreed to include an additional 2 limbs to the original set of recommendations outlined in the report (shown as 4 and 5 in 11.3).



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1.     Note the aspiration to integrate heat pump delivery into future housing stock activity, and the outline plans described in this report.

2.     Note the funding shortfall and propose any alternative options for officer examination to meet that shortfall.

3.     Note the ongoing retrofit delivery and build-capacity activity.

4.     Look forward to the final report from the external experts.

5.   Re-state the committee’s endorsement of a fabric-first approach focussing on good quality insulation and ventilation.


Reasons for Decision


In order to tackle climate change and as part of meeting the Council’s 2030 net zero ambitions it must take action to decarbonise its housing stock. Fundamentally, this involves the transition to low carbon heating solutions. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure the fabric of the buildings provides the appropriate level of thermal retention in relation to new heating technologies to ensure household energy costs are not increased.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The only alternative is to do nothing. This would involve not delivering focussed investment in the retrofit of homes, including improved energy efficiency measures and switch to low carbon heating. This would not meet the Council’s own aims and ambitions to tackle climate change, and it is not sustainable in the long term as national policy transitions away from fossil fuels. To not act sooner creates a greater challenge and cost.


Supporting documents: